Сава Шумановић


This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.

Прича о Сави Шумановићу могла би бити тема једног ЧОС-а. Претпостављам да већина деце не зна ко је Он, а Он је, ево једини српски сликар у Гугловој уметничкој галерији.

Šid under Snow, Sava Šumanović, 1935, From the collection of: The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection
Luncheon on the Grass, Sava Šumanović, 1927, From the collection of: The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.