This exhibit briefly focuses on the ancient Egyptians' advocacy of sin, whether the acts and beliefs were knowingly or unknowingly commited. The five pieces of artwork in this gallery which were created in Ancient Egypt were chosen to reveal three of the heaviest states of sinfulness in humanity: the worship of false gods, sexual immorality, and witchcraft or magic. All five of these chosen pieces can be categorized under one of the aforementioned states of sinfulness at least once, and maybe even thrice. There is much mystery to the lives of those who lived in ancient Egypt–a civilization which lasted more than 1,500 years over a course of three periods. However, a significant number of Egyptologists (archaelogists who specialize in the scientific study of the antiquities of ancient Egypt) can agree that their culture was infused with beliefs and lifestyles of utmost unrighteousness from the biblical perspective. The bible often references Egypt as a place of bondage and sin where God wants to deliver His people from. One may ask, “what was it with those Egyptians which caused them to be so detestable in the eyes of God?”. The answer lies in knowledge of what sin is, of course, but even more, the depths of the sinful state of Egypt in particular–understanding what made their sin stand out amongst an entire world full of other sinful human beings. To whom much is given, much is expected. Could it have been their immense knowledge of the world around them, which would cause their wrong to be even more wrong since they should have known better? Perhaps it was their equating of false gods with the one true God which contributed to God’s weightier disdainment of them. They were indeed a people of power and greatly feared by civilizations around them, so there is no question they were able to forcefully coerce others in their civilization and around their civilization to join in on all of what they were doing. Mercifully, they left behind some pretty important clues to help us get a better idea of their beliefs and lifestyles which made them one of the most evil civiliazations in their time according to scripture. Upon researching ancient Egyptian art and correlating it with other historical facts outside of the art world, we can piece together how the religion in the culture of Ancient Egypt throughout all of its ages played a huge role in why God has referred to their civilization as the “house of bondage”. To this day, there are countless ideas that people all over the globe have borrowed and still are borrowing concepts that originated in Egypt which are keeping them in bondage whether spiritually or physically. Perhaps Egypt is a symbol of the state of man before Jesus Christ comes and establishes order in their personhood, freeing us from the false idols of our hearts, by which we can come to see as we study the physical idols and physical displays of sin that came out of Ancient Egypt.