Stone hall


This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.


Horse without a rider., Unknown, Around 490 BC, From the collection of: Acropolis Museum
This piece shows space because the horse is such a small form instead of what it could be. The horse remains in front of a black background and leaves it the center of attention.
Stucco Tile, Unknown, 550 AH, From the collection of: The al-Sabah Collection, Kuwait
This image shows value in many areas because of the creases and crevices in the piece. The distinction from light to dark is extremely apparent.
Spine, Naiza Khan, 2008, From the collection of: AAN Collection
This image shows texture on the flowing tatters at the left.
Marguerite de Provence (1221 - 1295), Honoré Jean-Aristide HUSSON (1803-1864), 1219/1295, From the collection of: French Senate
This image shows emphasis. Your eye is drawn to the figure because it is the only humanoid thing in the photo. The setting compliments this piece well without drawing too much away from it.
Bombe 400ML customisée, ZENTWO, 2008, From the collection of: 400 ML Project by Le MUR's association
This image shows form, because the creature looks as if it's reaching for something or stretching.
dream states, Taylurk, Eno, Shida, Twoone, 2013/2013, From the collection of: All Those Shapes
The character on this building seems to be using the ground as his bed. The clear cut between reality and the image is shown well through the use of the natural line between the building and the ground.
Mr Zero train, Mr Zero, 2013/2013, From the collection of: Bratislava Street Art Festival
The use of color is amazing here. Bright and vivid. Your eye is immediately to the train because of the bright blue used.
Lustre bowl, Unknown, 1000/1099, From the collection of: Benaki Museum of Islamic Art
The circular bowl is almost like a cage for the image inside, but it works well. This piece shows shape used in a way that compliments the painting inside.
Millefiori Upright Basket with Stave Canes Paperweight, Unknown, c.1850, From the collection of: Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass
The use of variety, medium and color is impressive in this piece. The art inside is intricate and uniform while the glass ball it lies within is round and smooth.
Untitled, Andreas Feininger, 1940/1970, From the collection of: Berkshire Museum
This image shows balance. The two objects are not just alike, but they are similar enough to not outweigh one another in visual weight.
Infant Flora, Erastus Dow Palmer (1817-1904), 1857, From the collection of: Albany Institute of History & Art
Anatomy can be difficult, but with this image, the use of proportion is anatomically correct for the most part. Though only so much can be done with the material used.
Smug One - ARTSCAPE 2014 (2), Smug One, From the collection of: Artscape
This image is... interesting, to say the least. The size of the building and the proportion of the character work well together. IF this image were drawn on paper, it would not be nearly as impactful to the eye as it is now. This image shows harmony.
Rabbit, Louise Bourgeois, 1990 - 1990, From the collection of: CAMUSAC Cassino Museum of Contemporary Art
It's hard to tell if the rabbit is right side up or upside down, but it seems like the rabbit is stretching in either case, or being stretched out. Movement is this image is not prevalent, but it's definitely shown.
Above - ARTSCAPE 2014, Above, From the collection of: Artscape
A lot of use of Rhythm. Your eye is leading up the building, thanks to the repeating pointers, but it's not just leading in a single line, it's leading throughout the entirety of the side of the building.
Magda Sayeg Knitted Gun for ARTSCAPE 2014, Magda Sayeg, From the collection of: Artscape
Pattern is here. That's yarn. Thankfully not just a single color. That'd make it boring. It's easy to change up things without changing the media and just changing the color or form.