Ancient near eastern art


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Ancient Near Eastern Art, from 4000 B.C.E to about 500 C.E., consists mostly of artifacts that have been excavated in the regions of Mesopotamia, Assyria, Sumer, Anatolia, and the islands of Crete and Cyprus. Artifacts consisted of figurines, pottery, jewelry and other decorative objects that represented wealth, power, and social status. The pieces we have found particularly interesting are; a diorite statue of a king and an ivory one of a tribute bearer, a silver and gold vessel, a gilt silver dish and gold jewelry crafted by the Phoenicians, basalt carvings by the Hittites, a statue of a worshiper, cylinder seal, and headdress all from the Sumerian culture.

 In that time in history the artist in that region mimicked the Egyptians in their style and as a people.  What made them interesting was they used symbols and specific animals to create a way of describing what they experienced from their surroundings; whether it was in people or animals themselves. For example, they used animals to describe characteristics of a king.  If he was a strong king they gave him they persona of a bear in their drawing of him or if he was a humble king they gave him the appearance of a regular person while all the other people around him were shown to be like gods.  These images and scenes were done in a relief process where the figures are projecting out from the stone in which they are carved casting shadows and creating dimension.

Certain art pieces were meant to communicate to others a person’s overall power or specific role within the city. These pieces differ in form; from animal representation to scenes of a religious ceremony. Most statues found in the Mesopotamia area were made of either bone or stone.  Art in the Near Eastern cultures separated the kings, the gods, the hunters, and lower society into a hierarchy system.  The statues that were found were representation of many different culture groups in this area. All these different groups took part in and passed on various traditions of creating these art forms. 

As this area of the Fertile Crescent grew in population and status so did the works of art they created.  Much of what we consider art today was inscribed in steles upon the walls of temples, tombs, and palaces.  Artisans and craftsmen were utilized to depict scenes of battle and images of Gods and kings as ornamentation and to pay tribute to those they honored.  Great statues of animal like guardians not only adorn but make up a significant part of the entry gates for many palaces throughout the region.  These statues were considered protective beings and made a monumental impression on the King’s visitors.

Early forms of writing also come from this time period.  Cuneiform is found on steles and tablets communicating laws and business conduct of this region.  The architecture of temples, tombs, and palaces was itself an expressive form of art.  Much of what is found today are remnants of these structures and the possessions of those buried in the tombs.


Phoenician silver dish, Unknown, -0800/-0700, From the collection of: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
Found in a grave of a Etruscan prince, this dish is highly valued as a high priced item. The design on the item represents a normal Egyptian scene.
Gold bracelet or diadem, -699/-500, From the collection of: British Museum
Found in a tomb on the Island of Sardinia were gold jewelry was plentiful when it was discovered. This is one of the pieces that showed the wealth of Phoenician trading in the centre.
Head of Gudea, Unknown, 2144 B.C. - 2124 B.C., From the collection of: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
This sculpture belongs to a series of diorite statues commissioned by Gudea, who devoted his energies to rebuilding the great temples of Lagash and installing statues of himself in them. 
Tribute bearer with an oryx, a monkey, and a leopard skin, Unknown, ca. 8th century B.C., From the collection of: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This Nubian tribute bearer exhibits traits of the Phoenician style, characterized by the slender, elongated form of the bearer and his animal gifts, the precision of carving and intricacy of detail.
Basalt door jamb, -999/-800, From the collection of: British Museum
From the Neo-Hittie ciyt of Carchemish, Written on it was a was a language called Luwian that was used by the Hittites. When the Hittite empire collapsed, remains like this were found left.
Marsyas, Balthasar Permoser, ca. 1680–85, From the collection of: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Marsyas was a silenus and a celebrated pipe-player, he boasted that he was a better musician than Apollo. Beaten in a musical contest with the god, Marsyas was condemned to be flayed alive by a Scythian slave.
Marble grave stele of a little girl, ca. 450–440 B.C., From the collection of: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Steles like this one, would have been erected in Greek cemeteries in memory of the deceased. On this particular relief, a little girl, standing in profile, bows her head with a serious look.
Stone seal, -1920/-1800, From the collection of: British Museum
Stone seals were impression stamps, often quite intricate in design, used throughout Mesopotamia, and were used by everyone, from royals to slaves, in the transaction of business
Basalt lion head, -899/-800, From the collection of: British Museum
Made up of basalt and limestone, it represented the lions that guarded the base that had the statue of god and was near the Lion's Gate of Carchemish.
Letter from Burnaburiash to Amenhotep IV, -1350/-1350, From the collection of: British Museum
This is a encrypted stone letter that is sent to other kings asking for for products such as gold and material
a drinking vessel in the form of an animal with a pouring hole in its chest—in the form of a stag was hammered from one piece that was joined to the head by a checkerboard-patterned ring.
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This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.