Da Vinci's doodles - Drenot Pierre


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Look through the eyes of one of the most iconic and unique minds in the world, Leonardo da Vinci. Although he is most known for his inventions, paintings, sculptings, architecture and science (among other things) he was also a great sketch artist. Allow me to guide you through da Vinci's captivating drawings from around 1470/1480 -  about 1570.

Sheet of Studies [recto], Leonardo da Vinci, probably 1470/1480, From the collection of: National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
This doodle depicts human figures in different poses and facial expressions. You are immediately drawn to the woman at the bottom center of the page by the curve of her posture magnifies her smile.
Study for an equestrian monument (recto), Leonardo da Vinci, c.1485 - c.1490, From the collection of: Royal Collection Trust, UK
This scribbled thought depicts the movement of a horseback riding figure trampling over another figure. His use of repetitive and duplicate lines shows movement and dimensions in the figures.
Half-Length Figure of an Apostle, 1493-1495, Leonardo da Vinci, 1493-1595, From the collection of: Albertina Museum
This drawing depicts an Apostle telling a story. The contrast between the brown, black and brown ink sets a tone where the hand is the focal point pointing you away from this clenched chest.
Two Grotesque Heads, Francesco Melzi after Leonardo da Vinci, 1510s?, From the collection of: National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
This drawing depicts to aged, unattractive women interacting of opposite life choices staring each other in the eyes across from one another. The negative space sets the two in the foreground.
Caricature of a Man with Bushy Hair, Leonardo da Vinci, about 1495, From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
This caricature captures the emotion of a man laughing. The flow of the lines has a unform-like pattern from te shirt to his hair.
Plan of Imola, Leonardo da Vinci, 1502, From the collection of: Royal Collection Trust, UK
This drawing is a map of Imola created in 1502. The symmetrical lines that cross the city shows direction such a East, West, etc.
Head of Leda, Leonardo da Vinci, c.1504 - c.1506, From the collection of: Royal Collection Trust, UK
Superficial anatomy of the shoulder and neck (recto), Leonardo da Vinci, c.1510, From the collection of: Royal Collection Trust, UK
A deluge, Leonardo da Vinci, c.1517 - c.1518, From the collection of: Royal Collection Trust, UK
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.