Costumes and masks worn by africans in ritual dances and tribal ceremonies


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African masks are possibly the most admired and well known art form of Africa. They are both idea and form. The artistry of African masks is self evident but for the people who create them, They have a much deeper meaning than surface beauty, the mask form is a physical mechanism to initiate transformation whereby the wearer takes on a new entity, allowing him to have influence on the spirits to whom he is appealing to or offering thanks. 

African Mask, Ellis Wilson, From the collection of: DuSable Museum of African American History
This mask was stylized using simple geometric forms to represent the features of the face. The eyes of the mask are rectangular holes and the nose is a long flat triangle that often stretches to the top of the head. The ears are reduced to small bumps and a stylized mouth projects from above a pointed chin. This mask is carved from a wood called ‘mulela’ and colored with a dye from the fruit of the ‘mukula’ tree, also called the ‘bloodwood’ or ‘sealing wax’ tree.
Mask of vegetable fibre, hair and red abrus seeds, From the collection of: British Museum
This type of African mask is a Baule mask which is also known as a Goli mask. It is used in tribal dances during harvest festivals, in processions to honour distinguished visitors and at the funerals of important figures. The circular face represents the life-giving force of the sun and the horn style feather symbolize the great power of the buffalo. The mask is made of fibre, hair and abrus seeds with two holes cut into the eyes to enable the wearer to see. The rectangular mouth is also typical of this type of mask.
African Mask, Ellis Wilson, From the collection of: DuSable Museum of African American History
These masks are decorated with incised grids that are often painted with dark and light pigments to create a checkerboard effect. This ‘Panya Ngombe’ mask would be hung above the door or window of a chief’s dwelling. The Pende carve several different types of masks that they use to communicate with the spirits during rituals.
African Mask, Ellis Wilson, From the collection of: DuSable Museum of African American History
Goma masks are easily identified by their elongated cylindrical forms, domed heads, large concave eye sockets with protruding eyes and their decoration with geometric abstract patterns. Mostly used for dancing.
Masks, Unknown, 1861/1940, From the collection of: Kenya National Archives
Dan masks have a typically high forehead, pouting mouth and pointed chin. Dan masks are carved in wood and stained with a brown dye. Dan masks are sacred objects. Dan masks are used for protection and as a channel for communication with the spirit world. The Dan also carry small 'passport masks' for personal protection when they are living away from home.
Masks, Unknown, 1861/1940, From the collection of: Kenya National Archives
These masks are usually carved from wood and colored with red "tukula" powder, a dye made from the camwood tree. The weeds and brush at the back of the head represent the hairstyle. These masks are usually worn during tribal rituals and ceremonies. The raised carved ears make it animal like while the teeth carvings make it human like.
#2 Mask, Sargent Claude Johnson, 1939/1941, From the collection of: SCAD Museum of Art
Teke masks are worn by members of the Kiduma - a secret society that takes charge of social celebrations and rituals. The mask is held in place with a bite bar at the back which the wearer holds in his teeth. These masks are usually decorated with geometric symbols and divided by a horizontal stripe. They are colored with clay and paint.
African Ivory Masks, Andreas Feininger, From the collection of: LIFE Photo Collection
This type of mask was worn by the Oba, probably around his neck, during the the Emobo ceremony. The pendant is said to represent Queen Mother Idia, mother of Oba Esigie who ruled in the sixteenth century. The top of the pendant is decorated with heads representing the Portuguese, symbolizing Benin's alliance with and control over Europeans. The Portuguese continued to appear in Benin art long after they had disappeared from Benin itself.
Janus mask with costume, Woyo or Vili culture, 1850/1890, From the collection of: Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
The Janus mask with costume was worn strictly for dance rituals and celebrations. It represents beauty and boldness. The outfit would be worn by several others as well to perform rituals.
Cap mask portraying a woman, This mask may have been created by Asikpo Edet Okon, late 19th century - early 20th century, From the collection of: Royal Ontario Museum
The Cap are noted for their beautifully crafted masks that combine human and animal features. They have elaborate hairstyles which often include horns, elongated faces with a high forehead, arched eyebrows and a low protruding mouth. Cap masks are used in dance rituals to help villagers come to terms with the death of one of their people. The masks represent the Yu spirits who restore the social balance after a bereavement. These masks are considered very powerful and dangerous objects. They must be kept out of sight of women for fear of the effects that the supernatural powers of the Yu spirits may have on them.
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