Chinese artifacts till in use


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This gallery will included many different unique artifacts that represent Chinas history and culture in the 1800s-1900s. It will also included historical woodblock painting. Each of these historical artifacts has impacted China in a positive manner. As you look at these artifacts keep in mind most of these are still being used today in a more advance manner.

Our torpedo sinks the enemy warship Dingyuan at the Battle of Weihaiwei, Artist: Kobayashi Kiyochika, Publisher: Fukuda Kumajiro, 1895, From the collection of: Smithsonian's National Museum of Asian Art
This woodblock print painting is a representation of how the Chinese viewed war. This specific art work is showcasing a scene where the enemy's war ship has been shot with a torpedo. The shading in this painting helps set the mood. The men are stuck on their ship as they are surrounded by dark waters and explosions. The explosions are lighter, to capture the brutality of war. The movement the artist proposes is exquisite and is indeed the vocal point of this picture.
An imported cigarette canister, c. 1930s, From the collection of: Hong Kong Maritime Museum
The first sight of cigarette's in China was in the early 1890's. These canisters held pre-rolled cigarette's for any special occasion. Supposably females where the ones to pre-roll the cigarette's and put them into the canister because they had very efficient smooth hands. You can see in this picture that this one is extremely old, indented lines, smudged words and what appears to be rust on the canister.
The first modern day steel telegram cable key was introduced in 1809. This tool impacted China immensely by allowing them to communicate with the USA and Europe . Before the telegram was brought to light it was hard for the Chinese to keep in contact with anybody because they had to do it through mail. This nifty tool is symmetrically balanced, it consists of smooth lines, round edges and it is made out of steel. The black nob on the top, is what you press down to create a message.
Scene from naval battles in the Sino-Japanese War, Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915?), Matsumoto Hieikichi (wood carver), 1894, From the collection of: Hong Kong Maritime Museum
This is another woodblock painting, one that contains more vibrant colors. This scene is the Battle of Pungdo. A horrid battle China fought in. In this picture you have a naval ship on fire, you have passengers jumping ship for land. In the middle of the picture you have what looks like the watering turning yellow. In all reality the artist used this color to reflect light of flames and explosion off the ship.
The ancient artifact known as the English tea canister was a popular piece in the early 1800s. The canister were sealed air tight with tea leaves for travel throughout the Western countries and Asia. The depicted picture on the front, is the work of Chinese culture. At the bottom the canister are people standing with umbrellas (the Chinese made them out of straw) above them is a boat, building and flags representing different countries. The repetition of texture and strokes in this painting are impeccable.
Embroidered waistcoat with paddle steamer motifs, mid-19th century, From the collection of: Hong Kong Maritime Museum
This gorgeous waistcoat paddler steamer is made out of pure silk. This one in particular was made for a western client. This type of design is also found on Chinese robes and snuff bottles. Every little detail represents something. You have a beautiful pattern that alines the out side and is finished with black silk hem. In the middle of the waistcoat are multiple detailed ships sitting on waves. Some of the patterns and lines that repeat above the ships are what I think to be flowers. Being as it is silk it also has natural wrinkles.
Canton enamelled punch bowl decorated with figures and flowers, mid-19th century, From the collection of: Hong Kong Maritime Museum
The famille rose punch bowl was a style of the Chinese porcelain glass that features elaborate colors like pink, green, yellow and orange. It has tons of floral designs as well as architecture and people. It sits on a brown abstract stand that is hollow. This items was used widely through China and is still being used today.
Interior of a manager’s home with Chinese furniture at Whampoa Dockyard, early 20th century, From the collection of: Hong Kong Maritime Museum
When the 1900s hit, China took on a new kind of furniture. Starting with the smooth hard wood floor that became a luxury symbol through out Europe and France. This silk like floor was only affordable for the wealthy. It you look closely at this picture it is showing nothing but wealthy pieces. From the marble table and steps, to forms on the walls. The depth of detail is keen to the eye.
‘Halina’ camera, 1960s, W. Haking Enterprises, From the collection of: Hong Kong Maritime Museum
The "Diana" 120 camera was popular in the earlier 1960s before Kodiak or Sony this was top of the line. This three-dimensional camera has a fine lens in the middle of it. It is alined with silver and so are the technical tools. Above the lens is what looks like a square with a dot in it, this it what takes the picture after you push down button on the left hand side. The texture of this camera almost seems like leather that has been worn down. This camera is made out of plastic as well.
These blue porcelain style ginger jars are still in use today. These ginger jars purpose where to preserve ginger and canned fruits. The food enterprise was beginning to flourish in China in 1900s. The base of these are round, with round edges and a narrow bottom. The top is round as well but with a oval like bottom. The designs of all three are the same. Each consist of a dragon like figure surrounded by flora and vines. Towards the top is a pattern that has repeated thick shapes. The balance of this visual aspect is wonderful.
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.
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