SPread of the Maori Culture and the Pacifica islands


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The Pacific islands have some of the earliest dated recordings of their people’s ancestors in the world. The Beliefs of these people date back over thousands of years. One of the most fascinating cultures aspects of these people and the island that they inhabited, were their way of life to communicate with their ancestors and family heritage. Most of the Pacific islands today are mixed up of one another. Almost every single one of these islands used vast and vary techniques for their ways to tell their story and way of life through appearance. The biggest form was Tattooing. These cultures are known for their big exotic tattoos all over the body. These tattoos aren’t for looks, like most now days. These tattoos back then were meant to have ones family’s heritage and story on them. It was also a way to show appreciation and adulthood to one’s culture. In the late 1700’s the tattoo style became an art form and was starting to spread to other cultures. The Maori Style is one of the biggest types today and consists of hundreds of culture forms along with it.

Maori Tattoo: The Definitive Guide to Ta Moko." Zealand Tattoo. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.

"Samoa - Boundless Open Textbook." Boundless. Web. 14 Mar. 2016."Skin Stories." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2016."Maori/Pacific Islands." Dock Tattoo Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

Uhi matarau (many-pointed tattooing instrument), Unknown (carver), 1750-1850, From the collection of: Te Papa
This instrument was used, along with other sizes to be battered into the skin of the receiver. This Way of tattooing was very painful and takes a lot more concentration and tradition to that of modern day tattoos.
Koruru (gable mask), Unknown, 1800, From the collection of: Te Papa
This Mask shows that the ideas of tattoos have been thought of for a long time. Mainly on the face of Pacific Islanders.
Upoko whakairo (carved head), Unknown, ca 1800, From the collection of: Te Papa
Pataka (storehouse), New Zealand, Unknown maker, Rotorua, New Zealand, 1880 - 1892, From the collection of: Museums Victoria
Tuterei Karewa of the Ngatimaru tribe, North Island, New Zealand, Arthur James Iles, 1890 - 1920, From the collection of: Museums Victoria
Tattoos back then were not shown or done for show. They were done for family heritage, apart from growing up and showing ones desire for ones culture. Although many island style tattoos look very similar to each others, there is a slight change differation between each culture.
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.