The Many Mediums of icarus


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Using the mythological character Icarus, I will look into different renditions and creations over the centuries. With different paintings, prints, and sculptures I will try to cover as many styles of art that we went over in class that I can using the mythological character, Icarus. 

Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, Pieter Bruegel the Elder (after?), undated, From the collection of: Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
One of the more famous paintings of Icarus' fall, this oil on canvas depicts of normal everyday life as Icarus plummets into the water, barely missing a ship.
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, Peter Paul Rubens, unknown - unknown, From the collection of: Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
This oil on wood, seemingly renaissance style depiction of Icarus' fall to earth is apparently considered baroque style from a couple of sources when I dug deeper into the background of the painting.
The Lament for Icarus, Herbert Draper, 1898, From the collection of: Tate Britain
The Lament for Icarus shows an interesting perspective on what happens after Icarus' fall. An oil on canvas, the scene depicts Icarus' unfortunate death surrounded by what is most likely angels, or could be banshees crying over his death.
Icarus, Jamini Roy (1887-1972), From the collection of: National Gallery of Modern Art
Like the depiction of the snail, this abstract expressionalistic version of Icarus offers a rather different perspective of the mythological character. Its an almost childish look yet still gets the character of a man with wings.
Daedalus and Icarus, Giovanni David, 1775, From the collection of: Los Angeles County Museum of Art
This print created by an etching style depicts another of what seems to be a more famous scene of Icarus' story, the fitting of the wings. Currently shown in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, this is one of many retellings of Icarus' wings.
Armed Three-master with Daedalus and Icarus in the Sky from The Sailing Vessels, After Pieter Bruegel the Elder (Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels), From the collection of: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This engraving shows a similar scene of Icarus falling to the see but from a different perspective. The ship sails away not knowing about the winged man that is falling from the sky.
Daedalus and Icarus, Andrea Sacchi, Circa 1645, From the collection of: Musei di Strada Nuova
This oil on canvas helps emphasize the hard light style of barouque. Illustrating the fitting and fashioning of the wings, Daedalus gets Icarus ready for the eventful flight out of the labyrinth.
Icarus, Figurina Elena, From the collection of: Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art
Abstract. In 2001 Figurina Elena showed this highly abstract work that simplistically shows the character of Icarus with wings attached to his arms. Using bright golds and yellows, Icarus contrasts against the blue sky.
Daedalus and Icarus, Anthony van Dyck, 1615/1625, From the collection of: Art Gallery of Ontario
Another oil on canvas style painting is similar to the Baroque counterpart, Daedalus is seen again getting Icarus ready to escape the Labyrinth. Although less dramatic, this artwork tells the same story through a different style.
Icarus, Artus Quellinus, 1655-01-01/1655-01-02, From the collection of: Royal Palace Amsterdam
This classical carving of Icarus is a unique perspective using a relief carving created from the greeks. Using fundamentals of contrapposto, Quellinus created a dramatic pose conveying the fall of Icarus.
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.