Greek Vase Painting


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Amphora with Herakles and Busiris, Swing Painter (Greek), Circa 540 B.C., From the collection of: Cincinnati Art Museum
Storage Jar with Diomedes and Odysseus, about 540 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Pitcher with Herakles Wrestling Triton, about 520 - 510 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Volute Krater with Battle Scene From The Trojan War, The Niobid Painter (Greek, b.Circa 475 BC, d.Circa 450 BC), ca. 450 B.C., From the collection of: Cincinnati Art Museum
Amphora for oil or wine, Manner of the Antimenes Painter, ca. 530 B.C., From the collection of: The Newark Museum of Art
Water Jar with Dionysos and Poseidon, about 550 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Wine Jug with a Drunken Man Singing, about 470 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Black-Figure Neck-Amphora, about 510 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Black-Figure Amphora, 540 - 530 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Storage Jar with Achilles and Ajax Gaming, about 510 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Wine Cup with Pentathletes, Attributed to Carpenter Painter, 510 - 500 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Oil Jar with a Woman at Her Toilette, about 450 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Black-Figure Cup, 540 - 530 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Wine Cup with Pentathletes, Attributed to Carpenter Painter, 510 - 500 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Wine Cup with a Sexual Encounter, about 470 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Wine Cup with a Boy Holding a Lyre, Douris and Python, about 480 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Attic Red-Figure Cup Fragment, Nikosthenes Painter, about 510–500 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Oil Jar with a Woman Carrying a Basket of Offerings, 470 - 460 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.