Jesus Christ Superstar-      By Daniel Whitely


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Jesus has been depicted in many different ways throughout history. The ways he is depicted reflect important stories and lessons in the bible; as well as major themes in the religion's culture. 

The Betrayal of Christ, Masters of Dirc van Delf, about 1405–1410, From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
This is a picture of the betrayal of Jesus by his apostle Judas. The emphasis is on Jesus and Judas's halo, it shows their importance in the scene. This theme occurs often throughout Christian art.
Baptism of Christ, Verrocchio / Leonardo da Vinci Verrocchio, Leonardo da Vinci, 1470 - 1475, From the collection of: Uffizi Gallery
This is Jesus being baptized, another story often depicted. There is a repetition of holy symbols in the painting and it shows movement of how important this very moment is
Jesus Mocked by the Soldiers, Édouard Manet (French, 1832–1883), 1865, From the collection of: The Art Institute of Chicago
Jesus is being mocked by soldiers who are torturing him. There is a movement of one soldier stabbing Jesus ribs. The focus is on his suffering which is the most common occurring themes in depictions.
The Man of Sorrows in the arms of the Virgin, Hans Memling, (1475) {or (1479)}, From the collection of: National Gallery of Victoria
Jesus is depicted suffering in the arms of the Virgin. His sorrow is shown by the movement of blood from his chest. The virgin is shown larger in proportion to show the importance of innocence.
Christ on the Cross, Sebastián López de Arteaga, 1000, From the collection of: Museo Nacional de Arte
This work show Jesus suffering yet again. There is an emphasis on his muscles to show his strength. The color is brighter around his head to show a holy aspect.
Jesus casts out the merchants, Alfonso Chierici, 1844/1844, From the collection of: Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia
This one shows Jesus as the revolutionary who is casting out the merchants. There is a repetition of merchant stands in ruin and a movement as if they were exiting as Jesus points them away.
Child Jesus Triumphant, Lluís Bonifàs, 1750-1775, From the collection of: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - MNAC, Barcelona
Jesus as a child is a common depiction as well. He is shown standing on a skull and nude with a movement of him reaching forward. The gold stand below gives a sense of regality and shows importance.
The Infant Christ Distributing Bread to the Pilgrims, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1678, From the collection of: Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
This shows Jesus as a child giving away bread to common people, there is movement of the commoners reaching for it. The color is dark except for around Jesus and Mary.
Jesus Among the Doctors, Simon Bening, about 1525–1530, From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
This depicts Jesus as a teacher. The doctors are in symmetry around him listening intently. There is focus on him in the center, gold streaks are in a pattern around his head to show he is holy.
Jesus. 2004, Katya Medvedeva, 2004 - 2004, From the collection of: Museum of Fine Arts in Peredelkino
This is a modern interpretation, the use of color is truly unlike and older paintings. His face is is the focus and has the most detail. The blue is to show his wisdom and is roughly an angel.
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.