Amphibian Ark: Captive breeding conservation program of the Schönbrunn Zoo

Frogs & Friends

Frogs & Friends

Frogs & Friends
Berlin, Deutschland

Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna acts as an amphibian ark, where scientist gather information about the foot-flagging frogs and keep a breeding population of this species. In a case something goes wrong in the nature, at least some of the frogs are protected in a safety of a Zoo. This reportage is a part of video-series about backgrounds of work with foot-flagging frogs in Schönbrunn Zoo.

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  • Titel: Amphibian Ark: Captive breeding conservation program of the Schönbrunn Zoo
  • Ersteller: Frogs & Friends
  • Standort: Wien, Österreich
  • Entstehungsort: Vienna, Austria
  • Originalquelle: Frogs & Friends
Frogs & Friends

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