Fragment of the mouth and neck of a Dressel 2/4 amphora from Tarragona. It has a complete handle and the start of the other. It has the manufacturer's mark on the neck.
The seal of the amphora has a parallel, very similar but lacking the final S, in the pottery of the Roman villa of Mas d'Arago (Castellón), on a Dressel 7/11 or Dressel 2/4 amphora, past firing and with an Augustan chronology. In the same workshop the seal LFVLHERO, of Lucius Fulvius Hero, is found on a Dressel 7/11 amphora (Férnandez, 2006 p. 280 and 290).
The amphora comes from the excavation carried out between 1988 and 1989 on Predicadores 24-26 street in Zaragoza, directed by Mª Pilar Galve Izquierdo.
In the course of the work, remains of a domus were located, located outside the city walls, abandoned in the time of Nero.
The complex to which it belongs, as level C4, consists of a garbage can deposited in the hortus of the house. The materials corresponding to the level are heterogeneous, with common ceramics and slips from the Ebro Valley standing out. The most common shapes are bottles, jugs and bowls. Along with these, lamps, fragments of Italic, Gallic and Hispanic terra sigillata, bones, coins and various amphorae are documented, among them examples of Dressel 2/4 from Tarragona, a Rhodian amphora of Greek tradition, examples of Dressel 7/11 and another probably lusitanian Belonging to the same level is a round sculpture identified as a male torso, perhaps a faun.
The group was formed around the third quarter of the 1st century AD, reaching the end of the time of Claudius, and even Nero (Gascón, 2011).