The Cearense Baseball Association executes the Baseball Project - Throwing for Tomorrow in partnership with Companhia Energética do Ceará — Enel, through the State Law of Incentive to Sport of Ceará with the intermediary of the Secretariat of Sports and Youth - Sejuv. The project provides a continuous and systematized action in the sports area with emphasis on baseball, which allows access to sport as a factor of training and personal transformation for children and adolescents benefiting from the project. The proposed training process, complementary to formal basic education, aims, above all, to: Offer baseball as one of the alternatives of sports practice in schools; encourage attendance and stay in school; stimulate the development of social, ethical and moral values; and promote the physical, personal and social development of children and adolescents;In its first edition, the project lasted a total of 12 months, benefited 155 children and was executed in two schools of the municipal network of Maranguape.