DASHARATHA KAIKEYI VILAP: Manthara has convinced Kaikeyi to demand the banishment of Rama and the installation of Bharata on the throne of Ayodhya and further instructs Kaikeyi on how to secure Dashratha's approval. Manthara reminds Kaikeyi of the two boons conferred on her by Dashratha in the past. She instructs Kaikeyi to proceed to the 'sulking room' and cast off her finery and jewels, lie on the floor wailing. She is also instructed to resist accepting jewels in recompense and insist only on the exile of Rama and the installation of Bharata as the prince regent.
In this print from the Ravi Varma Press derived from a painting by A H Muller, Kaikeyi is seen in the sulking room being consoled by Dasharata.