Mountain forests. Perennial. 15-40cm hight. Stems straight, and scale leaf-like leaves surround the main stem. Underground roots are firm and stretched to the side, with many roots running and winding. Root leaves long petiole, 1-2 leaves alternate in main stem, dislocation, split 2x3. Small leaves 5-13.5cm long, 1.5-7.2cm wide, ovate, pointed at the bottom, cordate, hairy fine teeth on the edges regularly. Flowers bloom Apr-May, yellowish white, compound raceme, Calyxes are 8, 4 on the outside are small, different in size and fall early, but 4 on the inside are large and similar in size. Petals 4 long, 1 pistil , 4 stamens. Fruits capsule, 10-13mm long, 5-6mm in diameter. Three leaves divided into two bags of three leaves are named 'Epimedium koreanum'.