The performance Metamorphoses. The Cat in the Boots, produced in a collaboration with Fantaisies Baroques, reinvents the story from the fairytale by Charles Perrault. Each character undergoes a metamorphosis: a street cat becomes a crafty servant, the miller’s son is granted the title of marquis, a cruel sorcerer turns himself into a mouse, while a fairytale writer Perrault roams around France as the king’s intendant. The choreography and staging combine baroque dance with the elements of commedia dell’arte and modern pantomime, introducing viewers into a spectacular world of culture and imagination at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. The fairytale aspect of the performance is emphasized by costumes and sets inspired by the style of ballet in that times, as well as the music of a French composer Joseph Bodin de Boismortier.