Mosaic with a design formed by black tesserae on a white background depicting a vine growing out of a pot (krater). Between the branches small winged spirits wander carrying baskets in their hands and collecting grapes. There is a small bird perched on one of the branches. The decorative figures do not have a defined outline, but are formed by the internal tessarae. The mosaic was found in excavations by M. Pellicer in 1965. In the 18th century, J. Cavanilles recorded a similar mosaic, also in Calpe, except that his mosaic was symmetrical and that there was a mouse in the upper part of the decoration. It is likely that the two mosaics were facing each other forming part of the same floor, around a circular structure with a drain. C.S.: 3774 PELLICER, M., 1966. ABAD CASAL, L., 2002. CAVANILLES, A.J., 1797