to sing songs composed by himself for the campaign. This
young man, John Pretorius, later recorded the song
" Sekunjalo", which he sang at so many rallies in the Cape
during the election campaign.
On voting day, an elderly African lady from the Northern
Transvaal, as it was then known, told the election official at
the polling station that she wanted to vote for the boy who
came from jail. Although she mentioned some name, she did
not know to which organisation he belonged. After
interrogation, the polling station was able to sort out the
problem to her satisfaction.
As we have mentioned though, everything was not of that
positive and joyous scale. In KwaZulu-Natal, we had to cope
with the continuing political violence that cast a spell of
gloom and doubt over the otherwise exciting prospects of
democracy. We concentrated a lot of our time on the political
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