The uncertainty on what is vital and the path of the artist is the question of this work. The egg, like a microcosmos, symbolizes the germ of the existence and creation. A delicate structure that keeps an unvaluable content: the mystery of the expansionist impulse of life. The experience tells us, however, that some might be unviable. Little signs that report their infertility. Even worse, others contain monstrous forms. Plinio tells us about the danger of these beings who are born from zygotes that float against the current. Still, what do we really know about this egg? Only an intervention of some labels on a container gives us a small clue about its origin, Greece, but no information on its final destination. The box as a representation of the art system, the conventions and structures that protect us and can also be easily taken apart. This system certainly offers a custody. It safeguards. Until what point it is not disposable?