The sculpture was displayed at Times Square during the 2012 Earth Day. The exhibit attracted thousands of world tourists.Inspired by the UNEP OzonAction, Yuan Xikun chose Goddess Nüwa as the artistic impression of the initiative. Nüwa is a goddess who smelted a seven-color stone to block a hole in the sky. Using this well-known symbol in Chinese mythology, best known for repairing the wall of heaven, Nüwa will take up a new quest, the modern day challenges of fighting ozone depletion.
Last November, the hand-over ceremony of rocks and water for the sculpture was held during the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP23) Conference in Bali of Indonesia. Delegates from all over the world presented rocks from the continents of the world and water from two polar regions to Mr. Yuan Xikun, and he used these elements to create the sculpture.