In 1996, a silver hoard was found in the Dutch village of Westerklief on the former island of Wieringen. It consisted of six silver bracelets, a necklace and a bracelet made of intertwined silver threads, three coin ornaments, sixteen silver ingots, part of a silver belt plate, 78 silver coins and fragments of a brooch fastening. Coins and silver were found in a small Badorf-ware pot stopped up with grass. An analysis of the grass showed that the jar had been hidden on a spring day, in a relatively open, ungrazed meadow.
The jewelry’s style, particularly the decoration on the bracelets and the twisted necklace, points out that the jewelry was made in Denmark. In the period between 840 and 885, the Dutch coastal areas and Dorestad came temporarily under Danish rule. Apparently, a fewVikings set themselves up here for a long period of time, a fact of which we had no substantial proof before this hoard was found.
Two of the coins were minted in the name of Charles the Bald (843-877), grandson of Charlemagne and ruler of the West Francian kingdom. The most recent coins date from around 850,meaning that the hoard must have been buried shortly afterwards.We can only guess at the reason why the Dane who hid this hoard never came back to collect it.
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