The main topic of my research are objects and all the symbolic aspects concerned with them. My interest is connected with the symbolic reactivation of the object in itself (a kind of initiation ritual, after which a new and better life is promised) and with some aesthetic values carried by it. My oeuvre is mainly composed of moving images and performative pieces. The world in my films and videos is one deserted by humans, a world in which movement is the result of mechanical action, a world of infinite repetition and constant sameness, of gravitation and attraction. I harness the illusionist potential of motion pictures to animate the inanimate. I typically start by isolating or framing a single object, device, machine or process, which I then submit to the discerning gaze of her camera until it takes on a life of its own, freed from its functional context to become an object of poetic contemplation. Yet the context never vanishes completely. Glimpses remain to remind us of the parallel development of cinema and industrial manufacturing. Synopsis: T.U.V. is a corporation qualified in providing european certificates of suitability to goods and commodities. Its Nuremberg headquarters, where the video has been shot, is specialized in toys and infancy products examinations. This video, in between documentary and fiction, investigates the concept of 'suitability' and wonder how high is the price for being accepted by a community.