Hatagaya Toilet

Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design Lab

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

Hatagaya Toilet Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design Lab

…With Toilet
Does a public toilet ever become the center of attention in a local community?

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets can often become underused, lose their value to people and gradually forgotten.

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

To try and reverse that trend we created ‘...With Toilet’.

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

It is a public toilet combined with an additional functional space which can be used for various purposes by everyone.

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

We hope that it will be used as an exhibition space, pop-up kiosk, small information center or a cozy meeting space, and become the center of the local community.

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

Architectural design: Kotaro Imai laboratory and Kentaro Honma laboratory from IIS, The University of Tokyo.

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-23) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

Hatagaya Toilet (2023-02-22) by Miles Pennington / UTokyo DLX Design LabShibuya City Tourism Association

Credits: All media
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