Château de Fontainebleau

Château de Fontainebleau

Fontainebleau, France

“The true home of kings, the house of ages” (Napoleon in Saint Helena, August 1816) With over 1500 rooms at the heart of 130 acres of parkland and gardens, Fontainebleau is the only royal and imperial château to have been continuously inhabited for seven centuries. Capétiens, Valois, Bourbons, Bonaparte and Orléans, all members of French ruling dynasties, have lived within these walls. Kings and queens, emperors and empresses have all striven to make their own improvements to the château built around the original keep. The estate quickly became a huge palace in which many momentous historical events have been played out. A visit to Fontainebleau opens up an unparalleled view of French history, art history and architecture.

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Château de Fontainebleau77300 Fontainebleau
  • lundi09:30 – 16:15
  • mardiFermé
  • mercredi09:30 – 16:15
  • jeudi09:30 – 16:15
  • vendredi09:30 – 16:15
  • samedi09:30 – 16:15
  • dimanche09:30 – 16:15