Kysucká galéria v Oščadnici

Kysucká galéria v Oščadnici

Oščadnica, Slovensko

Kysuce Gallery in Oščadnica was established in 1981 on the initiative of the countrymen and friends of the Kysuce region – Doctor of Law Anton Blaha and twelve artists (Stanislav Biroš, Miroslav Cipár, Anton Čutek, Milan Greguš, František Hübel, Vojtech Ihriský, Milan Mravec, Pavol Muška, František Ondro, Milan Paštéka, Jozef Sušienka,Ondrej Zimka), who in 1975 organised the exhibition „An Artists´greeting to the native soil“ and donated 66 works as the foundation of the gallery.The first expositions were opened to the public on 27 November, 1981 in the manor house which is together with the adjacent forest park listed as a national cultural monument in the protected landscape area. Kysuce Gallery is a gallery with regional competence; its role is building, evidence and protection of the collection fund. To its main tasks belong exhibition, research and cultural and educational activities; besides them, it organises international sculpture symposia, to which foreign artists are invited, and created Works become part of the forest park of the manor house.
In October 2014 we opened the permanent exhibition of the works by František Hübel.
The exhibition is located in the first floor of the castle.
The castle's ground floor is used for the variety of short-term exhibitions of the contemporary Slovak and foreign artists.
Open all year round: Tuesday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
(last entry at 3. 30 p.m.)
Saturday: Closed
Wednesday: 12.30 p.m. – 4 p.m. (last entry at 3.30 p.m.)

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Kysucká galéria v Oščadnici

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Kysucká galéria v Oščadnici's website

Pro návštěvníky

023 01 Oščadnica
  • pondelokZatvorené
  • utorok9:00 – 16:30
  • streda9:00 – 16:30
  • štvrtok9:00 – 16:30
  • piatok9:00 – 16:30
  • sobota12:00 – 16:30
  • nedeľa12:00 – 16:30