The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, as a state administration body, established by Article 22 of the Law on Ministries ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 128/2020) is dedicated to: development and promotion of culture and contemporary art; monitoring and research in the field of culture; providing a material basis for cultural activities; development and promotion of literature, it's translation, music and stage art, fine arts and applied arts and design, film and arts in the field of other audio-visual media; protection of immovable, movable and intangible cultural heritage; library, publishing, cinematographic, music and stage activity; establishment of digital research infrastructure in the field of culture and arts; endowments and foundations; public information system; monitoring the implementation of laws in the field of public information; monitoring the activities of foreign media and information institutions, correspondent offices and correspondents in the Republic of Serbia; informing national minorities; registration of foreign information institutions and providing assistance to foreign journalists and correspondents; cooperation in the field of protection of cultural heritage, cultural creativity and information in the language and alphabet of the members of the Serbian people in the region; creation of conditions for access and implementation of projects financed from pre-accession funds of the European Union, donations and other forms of development assistance within the competence of the Ministry, participation in regional projects, as well as other tasks determined by Law.
The Ministry of Culture is located on the first and second floor of the building of the former Agrarian Bank. The entrance is from Vlajkovićeva Street No. 3, Belgrade. The building of the Agrarian Bank was built between 1932 and 1934 as one of Belgrade's last banking palaces in the interwar period, representing state’s political and economic strength. The building project, designed as a representative business building with an angular, curved façade and a monumental entrance foyer, was made by the architects Petar and Branko Krstić. With this work, the Krstić brothers made a significant contribution to the formation of the architectural image of the Belgrade's central zone.
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