※本ストリートビューは、山種美術館で開催された「【特別展】小林古径生誕130年記念 古径と土牛」(会期:2013年10月22[火]~12月23日[月・祝])の展示会場を撮影したものです。
This street view shows the galleries of the Yamatane Museum of Art when a special exhibition “Kokei and Togyu – Two Masters of Japanese Modern Art” was held at the museum from 22 October to 23 December, 2013.
In the street view, the following artworks from other museums and owners are included.
- Kobayashi Kokei, Plum Blossoms, 1943, Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art
- Kobayashi Kokei, Fruits, 1949, Reiyūkai Myōichi Collection
- Kobayashi Kokei, Asters and Red Hibiscuses, 1936, Reiyūkai Myōichi Collection
- Kobayashi Kokei, Kannon, 1940, Reiyūkai Myōichi Collection
- Kobayashi Kokei, Prince Ōhiko no Mikoto, 1907, Deposit to Yokohama Museum of Art
- Kobayashi Kokei, Puppy, c. 1949, Private Collection
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