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Never-Before-Seen Experiences of Versailles
Enter in a new dimension with brand new 3D models, virtual tours, and VR experiences
Have the palace all to yourself
See a different side of the palace with virtual reality
Welcome to Versailles
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Enjoy an all-access personal tour of the historical French court
See How the VR Experience Was Made
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Where the magic of Versailles meets technology
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The decor, up close
Examine the artifacts in 3D
Desk from the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919
Council chamber
Louis XIV bust
Œil-de-Bœuf room
Louis XIV bust
King's chamber
Louis XIV bust
Diana's room
Boulle commode
Room of Abundance
Statue of Louis XIV
Venus room
I woke up like this
A 3D tour of where the King started his day
Virtual tour
Inside The King's Bedchamber
Take a tour of the King's private pad
3D Model
Where The King Slept
See the details of the King's bed, in 3D
3D Model
Step Into the King's Bedchamber
Zoom into the bed to nap like a King
Ее величество королева
The Lady of the house
See where the Queen let her hair down
Virtual Tour
Inside The Queen's Bedchamber
Take a tour of the Queen's boudoir
3D Model
Where Marie-Antoinette Kept Her Jewels
See the details of the Queen's jewelry cabinet, in 3D
3D Model
See a 3D Model of the Queen's Bedroom
How can you miss the 7 stools guarding the Queen's bed?
Mirror, mirror on the wall
The room with 357 mirrors
Virtual Tour
Inside The Hall of Mirrors
Take a virtual tour of the Hall of Mirrors
Street View
The Hall of Mirrors
Have a solo wander around with Street View
3D Model
See a 3D Model of The Hall of Mirrors
The Hall of Mirrors from a new angle: no crowds, no reflections
3D Model
See the Dogs on the Porphyry Vase, in 3D
Up close and personal with the decor
3D Model
See the Twists on this Yellow Marble Vase, in 3D
Up close and personal with the decor
Say a little prayer
Explore where the Court attended mass every day
Virtual Tour
Inside The Royal Chapel
Take a tour of the Royal Chapel
3D Model
How Music was Made
See the chapel organ, in 3D
3D Model
See a 3D Model of the Chapel
Take a quiet stroll in the Palace's Chapel
Sing your heart out
Explore the The Royal Opera
Virtual Tour
Inside The Royal Opera
Take a tour of the Royal Opera
3D Model
See a 3D Model of the Royal Opera
There's more to this Opera than just a stage – look up!
Crowning glory
See where kings and queens were made
Virtual tour
Inside The Coronation Chamber
Take a tour of the Coronation Chamber
3D Model
See a 3D Model of the Coronation Chapter
Can you count the paintings in the Coronation Chamber?
Green fingers
The fountains and gardens of Versailles
Virtual Tour
Take a Tour of the Gardens
Who said flowerbeds are less interesting than paintings?
History, remodelled
The palace's story told through 3D reconstructions
History of the Palace of Versailles
Versailles wasn't built in a day
Versailles after the French Revolution
What happened when the King left the Palace for good
The Gardens and the Trianon Palaces
See the home of Marie-Antoinette
The Making of 'Versailles 3D with Google'
Take a stroll in 360°
The Gardens
Water Pathways - Fountains of Versailles
The Colonnade Grove
The Ball room
Capturing Versailles in Street View
How it's done
Behind-the-Scenes of Street View
How to capture a 8.2 km² palace
The Artworks of Versailles Up Close
Explore the palace's art and design, from royal portraits to iconic interiors
Versailles: The Palace is Yours
A private virtual tour of the former home of French royalty
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