Maravilhas de Machu Picchu

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Museo Machupicchu - Casa Concha

Home to the largest collection of Machu Picchu artifacts in the world. In addition to the 366 museum-quality objects returned by Yale University in 2011, the collection includes the totality of fragments resulting from the excavations, which will be kept in storage to be studied by local and international researchers. The exhibition also has more Inka artifacts that were discovered during the archeological excavations during the process of the restauration of the old Casa Concha, where our museum is located. Built during the colonial era on the site of Puka Marka, residence of the royal lineage of Tupac Inka Yupanqui. In the main patio, visitors will notice a glass-covered excavation pit revealing the Inca floor, six feet below the present surface. Destroyed twice by earthquakes, the mestizo-colonial architecture of the house dates back to the late 18th century, and is notable for its double wide stone archways at ground level, supporting the second story single-width arches. During the 20th century, the House served as an army barracks and later as a police station before being donated by the government to the local university of San Antonio Abad. The restoration of the Casa Concha, carried out by the National Institute of Culture (today, Decentralized Department of Culture - Cusco) was impeccably executed, as can be seen in the recuperation of the colonial murals on the second floor and on the walls of the staircase.

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