Unlock the secrets of the Latvian National museum of art

Explore the hidden gems of the Latvian National Museum of Art building

Museum's History 1Latvian National Museum of Art


The idea of the necessity of an art museum in Riga originated in 1816, when an art cabinet was set up in the premises of the city library.

Museum's History 3Latvian National Museum of Art


On May 10, 1903, almost an entire century later, the foundations were laid for the Riga City Museum of Art.

Hall No 7 3Latvian National Museum of Art


For two years (1915-1917) the museum was near the front line. Considering the proximity of the front line the museum had to comply with the order to evacuate 59 exhibits to Moscow.

Hall No 7 2Latvian National Museum of Art

The museum's visitor numbers decreased sharply. Most of the visitors were soldiers.

Museum's Marble Stairs 2Latvian National Museum of Art

The marble stairs

The majestic marble stairs having served the public for more than 100 years and their monumental image has not changed over time.

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The 2nd floor lobby

The 2nd Floor Lobby of the Latvian National Museum of Art is one of the symbols of the building.

Stairs Railing Decorations 3Latvian National Museum of Art

Stair railing decorations

Wilhelm Neumann was striving for perfection, carefully considering and giving reasons for each tiniest detail.

Stairs Railing Decorations 1Latvian National Museum of Art

Railing sketches

There are countless sketches, and they are drawn on various pieces of paper, even on the inside of an envelope of a letter addressed to the architect.

Stairs Railing Decorations 2Latvian National Museum of Art

Railing decorations

The artist envisioned the museum as a temple of all Muses – majestic and solemn.

Stenciled Wall PaintingsLatvian National Museum of Art

Stencilled wall paintings

Wilhelm Neumann strove to follow neo-baroque principles of display design, which required that the walls of the exposition should be covered with ornamental fabrics, but the available means determined more restrained interiors.

LibraryLatvian National Museum of Art

The library

The Library of the Latvian National Museum of Art was established in 1905. The library holds nearly 30 000 books.

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3rd floor lobby

It was planned that the museum's plafond will be decorated by a painting personifying Riga and the creation of the plan of the temple of the Muses.

3rd Floor Lobby 1Latvian National Museum of Art

3rd floor lobby

The sources of the author's inspiration are to be found in Baroque art.

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The visitors have access to the museum's attic and cupola space, where the small exhibition halls are located and the historical wooden constructions have been renovated.

Cupola 2Latvian National Museum of Art


Discover how the museum's attic looked before the reconstruction!

Exhibition Halls on 4th floor 2Latvian National Museum of Art

Exhibition halls on 4th floor

As early as 1929, the director of LNMA at the time Vilhelms Purvītis wrote to the Riga City Council about the acute necessity to expand the museum, but the Council's decision was negative.

Exhibition Halls on 4th floor 1Latvian National Museum of Art

Exhibition halls on 4th floor

Only after many years, in 2010, the Riga City Council took the decision on the reconstruction.

Cargo Lift 2Latvian National Museum of Art

Cargo lift

The cargo lift considerably simplifies the transportation of heavy sculptures and other large-format works.

Collections by Normunds BrasliņšLatvian National Museum of Art

Painting storage

On the way to the exhibition hall, the museum visitors have the opportunity to see the storage of Latvian painting (more than 4 000 artworks).

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