Stanisław Wyspiański: “Portrait of Maryna Pareńska”

Maryna Pareńska was 18 years old when Stanisław Wyspiański painted this portrait

A Portrait of Maryna Pareńska (1902) by Stanisław Wyspiański (1869–1907)National Museum in Wrocław

The model's parents were the artist’s friends and admirers of his art. Maryna also became the model for a character in Wyspiański’s drama, “The Wedding” (Wesele).

What is captivating in this portrait are colors, contours, and curly lines. The combination of purple and yellow on the model’s face is striking.

There are strong blue contours around the lips, nose, and eye, and a bold accent among the leaves.

Slightly wilted stems and leaves of chrysanthemums, which may be a symbol of the passage of time, form a background for the young girl's portrait. This is undoubtedly a beautiful and distinctive floral ornament.

It is also worth noting the curly lines on the girl's blouse and some unruly strands of hair. The sophistication of the lines, and their decorative value, are in stark contrast to Maryna’s mood. The girl appears sad, pensive, and lost in thought.

In the National Museum in Wrocław you can also see a portrait of five-year-old Helenka, Stanisław Wyspiański's daughter, painted by the artist in 1900.

Credits: Story

Barbara Przerwa  |  Aleksandra Ziemlańska |

Credits: All media
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