Red: The Life and Heart of Malawi

Artist Eva Chikabadwa explores the warm heart of Malawi through its passionate people

colour of a Nation (2020) by Eva ChikabadwaDesign Indaba

In her painting Red Regalia, artist Eva Chikabadwa celebrates the people of Malawi and the spirits of their ancestors. 

The work is rendered using clays fthe ground where Eva's ancestors lie. As Eva notes 'the background is rough textured denoting the harsh environment  we live in but disguised by our jovial mood.'

Speaking of the use of red in the work, Eva says'Red on our flag stands for blood, which is life. Blood unifies us, it runs through different tribes and races.'

The dancing figures are done with various red tones of dusty pastels that are momentary as nature. The overlapping dancers mirror the past and present. 

As the beating heart of Africa, a drum beats, dressed in red the color that unifies us, our blood blazes as fire that continues through the generations.

Credits: All media
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