5 Stunning Views Of Dubrovnik

Discover some of the best viewpoints of one of the world's most majestic walled cities

By Google Arts & Culture

Lovrijenac fortress on a cliffCroatian National Tourist Board

Once the capital of a mighty seafaring republic, this compact but cultured city sits on the glistening Adriatic coast of Croatia. The pedestrian-only Old Town is the star attraction, complete with its medieval and baroque splendour. The upmarket atmosphere attracts the rich and famous too, so keep your eyes peeled. You might even spot a superstar at one of the following five viewpoints – some of the best for getting the perfect picture of Dubrovnik. 

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1. The city walls

Of course, it's the walls that make Dubrovnik so unique. What better place to get up high for stunning views over the Old Town and the Adriatic?

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Climb into old defensive towers or gaze down the length of the Stradun and you start to realize why the city was well worth protecting with these vast fortifications. Maybe the best time to take a walk on the wall is early morning, although an evening drink in one of the bars that cling to the cliffside is also a nice way to spend a few hours.

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2. Mt. Srd

For a panoramic view of the city, the Adriatic and surrounding islands, take a hike up nearby Mt. Srd. This rocky outcrop towers over the city and gives a complete view of the city from above.

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It’s a bit of a trek, but don’t worry, there’s a restaurant and museum at the top where you can spend a few hours and regain some strength in your legs. You can also walk along the ridge for beautiful views of other parts of the city.

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3. St. Lawrence Fort

Lovrijenac, or St Lawrence Fort, is located on a rocky outcrop on the other side of a small bay next to the Old Town. From here you get an impressive view of the imposing walls and the orange tiled roofs of the city. The fort itself may date from as early as the 11th century and stands 40 meters high on its outcrop but you don’t have to go inside to enjoy the best views.

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On the other side of the headland is a beautiful small bay, complete with turquoise waters and a small rocky beach. It looks completely untouched yet is just a few minutes’ walk from the city. Another reason why Dubrovnik is known as the 'Pearl of the Adriatic'.  

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4. East Dubrovnik lookout points

Head out of the Old Town and along the east coast and you’ll find a number of scenic lookout points. Exit the city via the Ploce Gate and follow the paths along the rocky coastline to reveal some of the best views of the city.

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Each little cove or bay seems to offer a better view than the last, so it’s tempting to keep going on and on down the coast. But you might want to stop and relax for a while, with Banje Beach being one of the most popular in the region.

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5. Stradun

The main street in the pedestrianized Old Town runs for some 300 meters, paved with limestone polished smooth by countless visitors and locals strolling up and down. It’s hard to believe this was a coastal marsh until the 13th century when it was reclaimed from the sea.

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Much of the street was rebuilt following an earthquake in 1667, which is why most of the 17th century buildings share the same design. 

Festivity of Saint BlaiseCroatian National Tourist Board

Want to know more about fortified cities?

If Dubrovnik's fortified walls appeal, you can learn more about some of the world's great protected cities here.

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