Bear Cave Poses for Photos

Stalactites by M_Gospodarek#20The Bear Cave

The cave is a graceful subject for photography. One can spend many hours in it and still feel unsatisfied.

Stalactite corridor by M_Gospodarek#25The Bear Cave

Different light, different view. This makes each shot unique. Everyone sees the Cave differently.

Corridor of the Primitive Man by M_Gospodarek#27The Bear Cave

Words are unnecessary here. Let these photos transport you to the magical world of the most beautiful Polish cave.

Stalagnates by M_Gospodarek#21The Bear Cave

View of the tourist route by M_Gospodarek#19The Bear Cave

Stalagmites in the Palace Hall by M_Gospodaerk#9The Bear Cave

Stalactite corridor_2 by M_Gospodarek#26The Bear Cave

The Candlestick by M_Gospodarek#15The Bear Cave

Stalactites in the Stalactite Corridor by M_Gospodarek#28The Bear Cave

View through the Mis Corridor by M_Gospodarek#22The Bear Cave

The Pagoda Alley by M_Gospodarek#24The Bear Cave

The Palace Room by M_Gospodarek#8The Bear Cave

Credits: Story

Photography: Mikołaj Gospodarek 

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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