An Introduction to the Bear Cave

Let me introduce myself. My name is the Bear Cave in Kletno. My home is Mt. Stroma in the Śnieżnik Massif.

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I was born many millions of years ago, when water flowing down from the mountains through a system of cracks and fissures began to chisel and shape my passages. I was formed in marbles, or crystalline limestone rocks, which is why my interior is so unique - beautiful and rich.

plan of the bear cave by J_Zbyszynski#1The Bear Cave

So far, I have unveiled to you about 4.5 kilometers of underground halls and corridors.

Tourist route in the Bear Cave by A_Sawicki#47The Bear Cave

An extremely attractive tourist route with unique and well-preserved dripstone formations and a large number of bones of Ice Age animals runs along the middle level, open to tourists.

Dreapstones in Mastodont Parts by Sz_Kostka#4The Bear Cave

The Lower parts are only accessible to speleologists. This part of the cave is still being explored and discovered. 

The extreme route by K_Gruzlewska#1The Bear Cave

The exception is the Extreme Route. This is the only opportunity to enter parts of the Lower Parts of Bear Cave and see the cave through the eyes of a cave explorer.

The research work. by L_Pikula#7The Bear Cave

Discovery of the cave - 14.10.1966

The moment of discovery came as a great shock to me. I hadn't seen light in many thousands of years, since the natural openings leading to my interior collapsed.

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From that moment on, I became a valuable object of scientific study, I hadn't even realized before how special I was. 

First documentation of found bones by L_Pikula#3The Bear Cave

Sympathetic, although rather strange people watched with great attention the rocks from which I am built, examined the air I breathe, the water through which I was born....

First documentation of found bones_2 by L_Pikula#4The Bear Cave

Most attention was paid to excavating and examining the bones of the unfortunate bears that protected themselves, gave birth and died in my nooks and crannies. They were named cave bears and that's how I became a Bear.

Paleontologists in work by A_Sawicki#21The Bear Cave

The research continues to this day.  It makes me very happy that people care about my health and keep monitoring my condition :)

Paw of the cave bear by A_Sawicki#49The Bear Cave

The paw of a Cave Bear carefully composed of bones found in the cave.

Fragment of the Great Cascade by A_Sawicki#8The Bear Cave

My temperature

I feel best in a constant temperature of 6°C and high humidity of almost 100%.

Corridor of bowls in spring_2 by A_Sawicki#12The Bear Cave

Then I feel that I am alive. In such conditions, my interior is formed, and the most beautiful things people call "flowstone robe". 

Wather in Palace Room by A_Niedbala#1The Bear Cave

The richness of the various calcite formations made people decide to make me a tourist site. After 17 years of preparation, construction of a special route, lighting and construction of an entrance pavilion, I was opened on June 11, 1983.  

The cave opening by L_Pikula#9The Bear Cave

Opening of the cave - 11.06.1983


The Bear Cave opening by S_Marszalek#1The Bear Cave

The richness of the various calcite formations made people decide to make me a tourist site. After 17 years of preparation, construction of a special route, lighting and construction of an entrance pavilion, I was opened on June 11, 1983.  

The entrance pavilon in summer. by A_Sawicki#37The Bear Cave

Since then, I have been a major tourist attraction of international stature, attracting crowds of tourists every year. To date, about 2.8 million people have visited me.

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I was declared a nature reserve in 1977, and I am happy to share my beauty and secrets with you, but this must be done according to certain rules and in a controlled manner.

A group of tourists with a guide by A_Sawicki#50The Bear Cave

I can be visited in groups of up to 15 people at intervals of 20 or 15 minutes. Annually I can be visited by no more than 85 thousand tourists.

Tourists in the cave by A_Sawicki#48The Bear Cave

Tours are conducted under the expert guidance of guides, who fulfill a very important role. They tell interesting stories to tourists, while taking care of their safety and mine. 

Tap to explore

Guides guard my treasure-troves from prying hands, so that what was created for thousands of years can be enjoyed by visitors for as long as possible.

The calcite pasta by A_Niedbala#17The Bear Cave

Backlit calcite drapes by M_Gospodarek#1The Bear Cave

This is just me - the Bear Cave in Kletno.

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