Melehi's 'African Charamusca': A Cultural Olympic Landmark

Exploring form and space in Mexico's Cultural Olympics through Melehi's vibrant piece

By Patronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Patronato Ruta de la Amistad

Mohamed Melehi (20th Century) by Manuel GarayPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Melehi was born in Asilah, Morocco and studied in Spain, Italy, France and the United States. He completed murals, bas-reliefs and paintings. He worked as a professor at the College of Fine Arts in Casablanca, Morocco. He became interested in graphic design, posters and photography. He participated in multiple exhibitions in France, Italy, the United States Morocco and other countries in Africa.

African Charamusca under construction (20th Century) by Mohamed MelehiPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Sculpture #17

This piece is made up of a wavy white column standing at 11 meters. “enclosed” by a steel red frame that defines its physical space.

African Charamusca completed (20th Century) by Mohamed MelehiPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

African Charamusca

One of its qualities is its ability to get surprisingly thinner upon being observed from the sides.

African Charamusca completed (20th Century) by Mohamed MelehiPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

African Charamusca (20th Century) by Mohamed MelehiPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Tap to explore


Original: Periférico Sur South-North direction and Puente de Muyuguardas

Current: Viaducto Tlalpan and Periférico South

Credits: Story

Acervo Arq. Pedro Ramírez Vázquez

Credits: All media
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