The exhibition presents the process of creating the work Ship of Emigrants with reproductions of drawings, engravings, photographs and the work that is one of the greatest treasures of the collection of the Museum.

Navio de emigrantes (1939/1941) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Emigrant Ship

This painting of Segall, a great allegory of emigration, is the center of this exhibition. The display also includes the annotated drawings, engravings, sculptures, photographs, and documents related to this theme and to the artist's creative process.

Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (1939/1941) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

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The fate of Segall, who traveled across enormous geographic, cultural, and emotional distances to become a Brazilian artist, crosses paths with that of the emigrants honored in this canvas, a passionate testimony of 20th century history.

Retrato de Lucy I (1935) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Lucy and the Ship

In 1935, Mário de Andrade introduced the young painter, Lucy Citti Ferreira, to Segall. Lucy began to attend the artist's studio, working alongside him and assisting in the documentation of his work.

Despedida de Lucy, não identificado, 1947, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Lucy (1945) by Hildegard RosenthalMuseu Lasar Segall

For more than ten years, she was Segall's favorite model. He was impressed by the expressive power of her countenance, especially the deep eyes and arched eyebrows.

Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Lucy Citti Ferreira, Lasar Segall, 1946, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Lucy is present on the Ship, as she was photographed by Segall himself in innumerable poses, then transposed into the multiple characters of the painting.

Lucy Citti Ferreira, não identificado, sem data, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Lucy Citti Ferreira, Lasar Segall, 1945, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe), Lasar Segall, 1939 - 1941, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio de emigrantes (detalhe) (1939 - 1941) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

The Emigrants

For the first time in my life I saw the sea and ships. I saw how men of all nationalities climbed aboard these ships and went on to distant and unknown worlds, driven by destiny and something else... I did not let go of my pencil for a moment, which I used continually to fix my traveling companions and models on paper, these emigrants in whom the whole of humanity seems to be reflected.

Lasar Segall "My Memories" (1950).

Navio de emigrantes, não identificado, sem data, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Grupo de emigrantes no tombadilho (1928) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Desenhos de anotação "emigrantes" (c.1928) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Emigrantes no tombadilho, Lasar Segall, 1929, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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His diaries gave origin in the end of the 1920s to the series of engravings "Emigrantes," and during the Second World War, to the painting "Navio de emigrantes," developed between 1939 and 1942.

Navio de emigrantes(detalhe), não identificado, sem data, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Segall's destiny -- which contemplates he passing through enormous geographic, cultural and affective distances -- to become a Brazilian artist intersects with all emigrants honored in the work that is a vehement testimony of 20's century history.

Emigrantes sentados sobre caixas, Lasar Segall, c. 1926, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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No convés do Oceania (1937) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Desenhos de anotação "emigrantes", Lasar Segall, c.1938, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Grupo de emigrantes I, Lasar Segall, 1928, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Grupo de emigrantes III, Lasar Segall, 1928, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Emigrantes com lua, Lasar Segall, c. 1926, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio com emigrantes, não identificado, sem data, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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'Oceania' (c.1938) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Emigrante debruçado na amurada, Lasar Segall, 1929, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio com emigrantes, não identificado, sem data, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Emigrantes (1934) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Navio de emigrantes (detalhe) (1939 - 1941) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

The Ship

A ship is a large vessel, usually with one or more decks, which is capable of carrying cargo and/or passengers. In the "Navio de Emigrantes," Segall creates curious dialogues between the human forms and details of the ship, such as the circular vents, which look like eyeless heads watching the world around them.

Aspectos do Navio Andes, não identificado, 1953, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Três gaivotas e respiradouros (1928) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Chaminés de navio, não identificado, sem data, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Cabeça de marinheiro e chaminé, Lasar Segall, 1930, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Convés de navio com passageiros (sem data) by LaurensonMuseu Lasar Segall

Chaminé de Navio (1928) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Desenhos de anotação "navio" (c.1938) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

The biography of Lasar Segall (1891–1957) is marked by long sea voyages and changes in direction. At the age of fifteen, he left his hometown of Vilnius in Lithuania to pursue his artistic training in Germany. From his first voyage to Brazil in December 1912, he recorded the experiences he had of living aboard ships in small sketch books.

Casal de emigrantes no convés (c. 1928) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Marinheiros limpando chaminés (sem data) by não identificadoMuseu Lasar Segall

Marinheiro e chaminé, Lasar Segall, 1929, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Desenhos de anotação "navio" (c.1938) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Mastro do Navio Andes, não identificado, 1953, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Marinheiro 121 (1928) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Lasar Segall em viagem aos Estados Unidos, não identificado, 1948, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio 'Hamburg', Lasar Segall, c.1928, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Navio 'Oceania', Lasar Segall, c.1938, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Dois marinheiros acompanhados (1929) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall


Sailors frequently appear in the work of Segall in the subjects connected to the "Emigration" series. In the engraving to the side, two aspects caught Segall's attention: the harbor quays with their floating population of sailors and prostitutes, and the imposing landscape of the Botanical Garden, with rows of imperial palms.

Homem e mulheres do Mangue (1929) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Marinheiro com cachimbo (c.1928) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Marinheiro deitado com cachimbo, Lasar Segall, 1930, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Marinheiros a bordo (1930 - 1930) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Marinheiro e emigrantes (1930) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Desenhos de anotação "marinheiros" (c.1938) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

No navio Cap. Polonio, Lasar Segall, 1925, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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Marinheiro com acordeão (c.1928) by Lasar SegallMuseu Lasar Segall

Marinheiro e emigrantes no convés, Lasar Segall, c.1928, From the collection of: Museu Lasar Segall
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