A Unique Museum in Złoty Stok

The museum was created out of the passion of Elżbieta Szumska, the owner of the gold mine

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The Museum

The museum in Złoty Stok provides a unique glimpse into the region's mining history and the search for precious metals that shaped it.

Elizabeth Szumska by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

The Creator

Elżbieta Szumska, the owner of the Gold Mine tourist route, the author of historical books on the city of Złoty Stok, and the creator of the Museum of Złoty Stok.

Vintage bottlesThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Beer Bottles - Are They a Treasure?

A keen eye is required to discern what is a treasure and what is mere refuse. These bottles have original stoppers with the signature of the pre-war brewery in Złoty Stok.

It takes great passion to find a piece of history in every item found and give it great value. To prevent the found historical treasures from reaching large museums many kilometers away, Elżbieta decided to establish her own. 

Mining chisel by Alex ZappaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Mining Irons

One of the largest collections of mining irons in Europe, i.e. special chisels used for hand-carving tunnels.

Mining lamps by Zosia ZiębaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Mining Lamps

A powerful collection of mining lamps from different times, the oldest lamps used simple tallow candles, while later ones used oil and carbide.

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Porcelain cup from 1920 by Zosia ZiębaThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Złoty Stok Porcelain

A porcelain factory was operating in Złoty Stok before the war; the HPM signature with an eagle on the bottom is a sign that it was produced in Złoty Stok.

Today, our museum has the world's largest collection of our local porcelain.

Museum hallThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

The Guildhall Turned Museum

The former mining guildhouse serves as a museum today; during the renovation, we came across old German inscriptions: "God protect miners" and other similar invocations.

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The museum now boasts tens of thousands of exhibits and is freely accessible.

Room of memorabilia from the communist timesThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Polish People's Republic Memorabilia

The exhibition also includes post-war memorabilia from the times of the Polish People's Republic and contemporary symbols important for the town, such as the Olympic torch carried by one of the Złoty Stotk women, or a golden cross of appreciation for the writer Piotr Romanowski.

16th century gold coinThe Gold Mine in Złoty Stok

Gold from the Mine

Most often, tourists seek gold in the gold mine. The original pure gold can be seen in our museum in the form of a 16th-century coin minted in the local mint. The mint building stands near the Market Square to this day. Currently, it hosts residential premises.


The original coin made of Złoty Stok gold

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