Discover the Sydney Opera House's 7 Performance Spaces

Step inside the world's most iconic concert hall

By Google Arts & Culture

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The Forecourt

It might not look like it, but the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House has been the location of many notable performances. Over the years, Thin Lizzy, Florence and the Machine, Björk, and Oprah have all performed here.

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The Studio

The flexible space of The Studio can be reconfigured for all sorts of performances, from plays to cabarets. The in-the-round seating offers views of the stage from all angles, making for very dramatic shows.

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The Utzon Room

This smaller room, perfect for intimate events such as parties and chamber recitals is dedicated to the Opera House's main architect, Jørn Utzon. The vibrant tapestry hanging in the room was made specially for the Opera House by Le Corbusier.

Major Hall, cross-sectional architectural model, detail (1964) by Jenni CarterSydney Opera House

The Playhouse

Originally designed for orchestral recitals, the Playhouse, found on the very lowest level of the building, hosts smaller productions, including dance, experimental theatre, and children's shows.

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The Drama Theatre

The Drama Theatre is one of the Opera Hall's two proscenium-arched theatres, and home to the Bell Shakespeare, Sydney Theatre Company and Bangarra Dance Theatre.

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The Joan Sutherland Theatre

The second, larger theatre is named for one of Australia's most famous sopranos. Sutherland was known as dubbed 'La Stupenda' and the 'voice of the century' for her powerful performances. The hall hosts over 1500 guests and 70 musicians.

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The Concert Hall

At the heart of the Opera House is the concert hall, the largest of all its performance spaces. The hall, with its swooping vaulted ceiling, mechanical organ, and seating in-the-round is dedicated solely to full orchestral concerts.

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