La moisson à Langres (Harvest at Langres)

Raoul Dufy

La moisson à Langres (1938) by Raoul DufyIntercéréales

Fields of wheat offer an excellent pretext for experimental art works, such as Raoul Dufy's depictions of swaying fields.

While in Langres, he painted a panorama of the eastern districts, between the blue stain of the Lac de la Liez and the purple glow of the setting sun.

The artist applies wide brushstrokes of solid color on wood to convey rich, colorful impressions of the multicolor landscape before marking the most significant details with swift and abstract strokes.

The first visible monuments appear in this style as if emerging from the rippling tide of the wheat.

In the foreground, the unlikely pairing of a naked woman and a threshing machine turn the painting into something akin to a dream.

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