
Certain images required the carpets to be large and possibly lay flat. In this story, learn about the carpets that span across the gallery's floor.

In the 1960s, Tappeti-Natura were often made in a large size. The artist’s desire was to expand himself, invade the space. This need manifested successively throughout his career, depending on the subject represented. By laying the carpets on the floor, people could ‘live' the artwork, immersing themselves in the carpet's imagined reality.

Gilardi: Tappeto-Natura Installation, FloorMagazzino Italian Art

Art by the Meter

If Tappeto-Natura is, for Gilardi, a real and true “aesthetic object that is practically usable,” Rotolo di Tappeto-Natura reinforced this concept in 1966.  This art is sold by the meter, meaning the viewer would decide how much of nature they wanted to purchase.

Terreno di montagna (Mountain terrain)

In 1967, Gilardi presented these rolls at the Fischbach Gallery in New York to critical acclaim. Terreno di montagna—with plenty of herbs, small flowers, and thawing snow—was one of the works exhibited. These rolls reaffirm Gilardi's commitment art for the everyday consumer.

Mare (Sea) (1967) by Piero GilardiMagazzino Italian Art

Mare (Sea)

Mare, while expansive and lying flat in the physical gallery, is another example of a roll of nature carpet. These "Rolls," functioning as a democratic art, are examples Gilardi's effort to free his work from the exclusivity of an elite object and make art for all.

Mare (Sea) (1967) by Piero GilardiMagazzino Italian Art

Mare (Sea)

In this representation of the sea, Gilardi depicts a storm, with white-capped waves and nervous seagulls in an active state. This excited scene lays flat and large on the ground of the gallery. This work was also exhibited at the Biennale di Venezia in 1993.

Gilardi: Tappeto-Natura Installation 6Magazzino Italian Art

Gilardi’s ecological vision is extremely rich and articulated: Tappeto-Natura departs from its own experience with the natural elements, giving it form, sharing it, and making it both an individual and collective experience.

Gilardi's Stone Motif

Not only are his nature-carpets an aesthetic object, but it was intended for people to walk on it, experience transformative sensations. 

Sassi (Rocks) (1967) by Piero GilardiMagazzino Italian Art

Sassi (Rocks) as a Nature-Carpet

Gilardi sculpted many stones from the polyurethane foam, coloring them and assembling them in a composition with an exemplary balance.

Tronchi (Logs) (1987) by Piero GilardiMagazzino Italian Art

Tronchi (Logs)

Tronchi is the impression of a solitary beach. The sea returns smoothed trunks and nature stratifies itself, creating its own drawing.

Nature-Carpet (1966) by Piero GilardiMagazzino Italian Art

The Forest Floor

Tappeto-Natura is the environment of a Nordic forest, with cut birch tree trunks and scattered leaves and rocks laid down on a cold terrain.

Gilardi Installation (2022)Magazzino Italian Art

Gilardi From All Sides

For Magazzino's exhibition, the Tappeto-Natura take on an immersive quality, surrounding the viewer on the ground, and also on the gallery's wall. Learn more about Gilardi's rich ecological vision in our following stories.  

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