Portrait of Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli

Francesco Hayez (Venice, 1791 - Milan, 1882)

Tap to explore

Francesco Hayez (Venice, 1791 - Milan, 1882)

The portrait, which welcomes visitors at the entrance to the house-museum, was commissioned by Gian Giacomo's mother, Rosina Trivulzio.

Portrait of Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli (1851) by Francesco HayezMuseo Poldi Pezzoli

The setting

The young Poldi Pezzoli, in this official image, is depicted in an interior devoid of spatial connotations, in which the dark background wall is animated only by a reflection of light.

The pose

The young man is seated with his legs crossed, in an elegant, easy pose.

The suit

The work was painted in 1851. The future founder of the Museum, now an adult and having inherited the family fortune, chose to appear in a black suit, severe and stylish, as appropriate for an official portrait.

The gaze

His intense gaze is turned directly on the viewer, with whom he establishes an intimate and direct relationship.

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