Prudente de Moraes Museum is located in the former residence of Prudente de Moraes, Brazil's first civilian president. Inaugurated on August 1, 1957, the Museum reports the urban evolution of the city of Piracicaba and aspects of the political and personal life of Prudente de Moraes. Its mission is to preserve and disseminate historical experience, culture and local identity, contributing both to the patrimonial safeguard and to the extroversion of the knowledge produced about its patron, the city and the occupation of that territory. The Prudente de Moraes Museum is an institution maintained by the Municipality of Piracicaba through the Cultural and Tourism Department.
The Property
The house where the Museum is located was acquired by Prudente de Moraes in 1870, which bought the parts belonging to his brothers from the inheritance of his mother.
It served as a residence for Prudente until his death in 1902. After the donation of the property by his relatives, the place became a College of Dentistry and Pharmacy and a school, becoming museum in 1957.
Museum´s ViewPrudente de Moraes Museum
Museum´s ViewPrudente de Moraes Museum
The Past
One of the most important museums in the interior of São Paulo, in August of 2017, the Museum completed 60 years. Initially it worked in one of the rooms of the former house of Prudente de Moraes together with the Board of Education; gradually, it expanded its exhibitions in the rooms of the building at the same time that the Board of Education left the building for its own location. The whole collection was exposed; including the space of the auditorium was used to expose taxidermized animals, fossils and minerals. It was only in the 1990s that there was a work of reassembling the exhibitions, but it still did not allow the configuration of this space as a more specific museum about Prudente de Moraes.
Internal viewPrudente de Moraes Museum
Internal view by Departamento Municipal de TurismoPrudente de Moraes Museum
The Present
With the restructuring in 2009, carried out by ACAM PORTINARI, the museological conception changes. Aimed at socio-cultural actions along with social museology, the space underwent a broad integration, valorization and requalification action plan with restructuring, restoration, recovery and expansion of the physical structure of the former residence of Prudente de Moraes. There was the adequacy of the museum space, museographic and museological requalification, conservation, documentation and collection research, preparation and implementation of the Museological Plan, the educational action service and the communication plan. In 2010 the museum began to change the management of the state government to the municipality, which was completed in 2018.
Eclectic, its collection includes almost 12 thousand objects and furniture belonging to Prudente de Moraes and his family, Luiz de Queiroz, Barões de Serra Negra and Rezende, Sud Mennucci, Cobrinha, Fabiano Lozano, and other important people from Piracicaba. There are also works of local plastic artists and a varied iconographic and textual collection.
IgaçabaPrudente de Moraes Museum
Igaçaba, an indigenous coffin, made of pottery.
Motorcycle (1910/1910) by BSA - Birmingham Small Arms CompanyPrudente de Moraes Museum
First motorcycle of Piracicaba, belonged to the doctor Alfredo Cardoso.
Piracicaba´s waterfall (1924/1924) by João DutraPrudente de Moraes Museum
Port Street (1918/1918) by Joaquim DutraPrudente de Moraes Museum
Port Street (1918/1918) by Joaquim DutraPrudente de Moraes Museum
English telephone (1930/1930)Prudente de Moraes Museum
Refrigerator (1900/1900)Prudente de Moraes Museum
Collection (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Urban evolution
Focus on the urban transformation so that the visitor recognizes some characteristics of the place where Prudente de Moraes lived and died. Defined as a timeline, in the first part of the Museum are presented the indigenous ethnic groups before the Portuguese settlement, the official foundation of the city, slave period, arrival of immigrants, religiosity and the first urban improvements.
Beginning of land occupation (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
The beginnings of Piracicaba. The city before the official Portuguese foundation.
Agriculture and immigration (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Agriculture and Immigration.
Change of settlement (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Religiosity (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Religiosity of Piracicaba.
Technology (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Technological evolution.
Public and private life
The second part of the Museum is about the private life, profile, school and professional training, origins and family of Prudente de Moraes. In public life the political trajectory, the image built around this politician, his role in the construction and consolidation of the Republic and the importance as a propagandist of his image and of the Republican Paulista Party (PRP) for the city, the State and the Nation are reported.
Political life (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Personal life (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Personal life of Prudente de Moraes.
Law office (2016/2016) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Law firm of Prudente de Moraes
Temporary exhibitions
In order to promote the museum´s collection and contribute to the appreciation of local and regional culture, the Museum has a room dedicated to temporary exhibitions. Exhibits from the own collection, from local and regional artists and from partnerships with museological and cultural institutions from all over Brazil are organized.
Temporary exhibition (2014-06-11/2014-06-11) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Exhibition Piracicaba in World Cup - Bola pro mato, que o jogo é de campeonato (2014).
Temporary exhibition (2014-05-30/2014-05-30) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Nonna Chapel Exhibition (2014), in partnership with the Portinari Museum.
Temporary exhibition (2015-05-07/2015-05-07) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Exhibition The Sacred and the Contemporary (2015), from the Garage Group, from Santos-SP.
Exhibition Look with another look (2016), in partnership with the Soccer Museum, São Paulo-SP.
Exhibition History of Clothing: What did the late 19th century wear? (2017)
Temporary exhibition (2016-04-15/2016-04-15) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Exhibition Porta, Porteira e Portão: ways of speaking and country customs (2016).
Temporary exhibition (2016-07-07/2016-07-07) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Exhibition Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, from the Museum's own collection.
Educational and Cultural Actions
Our Institution carries out educational and cultural actions (courses, lectures, workshops, guided tours, projects) for diverse publics, such as children, young people, the elderly, people in situations of social vulnerability, disabled people, and others.
Photography workshop for blind people. (2015-09-21/2015-09-21) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Photography workshop for blind people (2015).
Painting workshop (2015-03-21/2015-03-21) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Painting workshop for children (2015), with Marcos Sabadim.
Visita guiada para pessoas em situação de rua.
Project Holidays in the Museum (2016-07-26/2016-07-26) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
"Detective" game in the Museum Vacation project.
Guided tour (2016-07-15/2016-07-15) by Equipe do MuseuPrudente de Moraes Museum
Museum as social transformer: future
Aware of its role as a social transformer, the Museu Prudente de Moraes begins to take the first steps towards the inclusion of the whole community. Our space has accessible ramps, bathrooms adapted for wheelchair users, people with difficulties of locomotion and ostomized, audioguide and temporary expositions accessible.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm, Saturdays and holidays, from 10am to 2pm. Schedule of visits by phone (19) 3422-3069.
Barjas Negri | Mayor
Rosângela Camolese | Secretary
Renata Gava | Director of Public Museum
Mauricio Beraldo | Educational Assistant and Programming
Curator and research: Mauricio Beraldo
2019 - August
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