Sub Focus

Learn the story of how Sub Focus began his Ram Records journey

*Below are excerpts from the RAM25 book*

Andy: I was playing a gig in Maidenhead and Jack, who I didn't know at the time, came up to me and gave me a CD and said it was by his friend. It wasn't the best of nights, but off the back of that, this CD was sitting at home for a long, long time. Then one day I thought, let's go through the CD's. It was a CD with a phone number written in green pen. I listened to it and man... I'd never heard anything like it from a demo CD. The track 'Down The Drain was releasable, a new sound.

But the number was missing a digit, so I called it a few times. The CD was so special I had to get the person that made it. I dialled it with every number and finally got through. "Hello mate, this is Andy C. I've got your demo..." We promptly signed him and put that track out on Frequency, Ram's sister label we had for bedding in new talent. That definitely made people's ears prick up and take notice. The next couple of Sub Focus releases did their thing and in 2005 Nick came to see us with a CD with two tunes on it. They were 'X-Ray' and 'Scarecrow'.

Scott: We were going bonkers over 'Scarecrow'.

Andy: Absolutely, because that is so up my street musically. it's rolling, percussive, groovy. I couldn't wait to play it, thinking 'My god, this is gonna kill fabric, it's gonna nail it to bits.' We were doing parties at The End at this time but that Friday, I was playing fabric. I cut them both on the same dub. 'Scarecrow' sounded good, but I played X-Ray and, even though no one had ever heard it, the riff came in and the whole place went mental.

Credits: Story

Original interview by Jon Cook 

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