Manzanilla Landscapes

Discover the elements that make up Manzanilla, the wine par excellence from Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda

El Viaje del Agua by Arturo RedondoAyuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Sanlúcar de Barrameda, the City of Bodegas

Wine and Manzanilla have shaped the history of Sanlúcar. The heritage created by the town's bodegas has given form to a special city that is articulated and extended around these wines.

The saltiness of the remnants of ancient seabeds that are the heart and soul of the albariza soil, the mother of Manzanilla, is captured in the color and body of these wines, the result of years of evolution of the Sanlúcar wine landscape.

The river, ocean, wind, clouds, and rain all interact to form a vital element in the making of Manzanilla: the perfect level of moisture which is essential to bring this dry, golden treasure to life.

Clouds are formed over the Atlantic, and, heavy with rain, they begin their journey toward the Iberian Peninsula.

The Poniente ocean wind prevails along this coast, apart from the Levante, offering up its moisture as part of the wine making process.

The river is the lifeblood of the Manzanilla landscape. The river brings sweet, fresh water and is also the great historic means of communication and departure point for the wines of Sanlúcar, whether traveling inward or outward, to other parts of Andalusia or out into the far reaches of the world.

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