Newcastle Unity Festival

A triumph for the good people of Newcastle

The next generation of humanity (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

One of those days

World Headquarters Club was key to the delivery of this seminal music festival, which turned into the largest ever anti-racist event in the city of Newcastle's 2000 year history.

Newcastle Unity Festival magazine ad (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

You only have to ask

With our reputation for music, action and anti-racism, we often get pitched ideas around these specific topics. We always help if we can

Leazes Park (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

The pitch

In 2014, a young brother called Daniel dreamed of doing a Newcastle event to unify the community against racism and he pitched us for help

Daniel Kebede (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club


Dan Kebede is a true activist. He reminded us of a young Muhammad Ali. We instantly clicked, knuckled down & went at it. We settled on an elaborate plan to hold an open air, anti-racist music festival in Leazes Park, with headline acts, stalls, speeches and more.

Newcastle Unity Festival Fundraising Flyer (2014) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

The impossible

We wanted it to be free so that everyone could come and show support for the cause. But as that generates no cash, what we were planning seemed totally impossible – so we simply decided we would take on the impossible and make it happen.

Panjabi Mc on the main stage (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

The Dream Team

Nailing a totally impossible hustle takes a big team. So between us, we hit up all our contacts and formed a Committee made up of Trade Unionists, anti-racism activists, cool people we knew from the Club and other handy people. It was the dream team.

Newcastle Unity Festival flyer inc major sponsors (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

The Hustle

WHQ kicked things off by making a chunky first donation and agreeing to underwrite the whole event. This meant (worst-case scenario) WHQ guaranteed to cover all potential festival debt. Then fundraising, pitching everyone and anyone. The hustle was on...

Durham Miners Union Banner (2014) by UnknownWorld Headquarters Club

Endless planning

For six months we met each week to plan. It was a team effort and some Trade Unions and local anti-racist groups got supported the cause and donated. We hustled the Council for permits and slowly things began to take shape.

Classic execution of the WHQ Club logo (2003) by WHQ ClubWorld Headquarters Club

The WHQ crew steps up

Adding to the Trade Union's generosity, the World Headquarters team hustled hard. By selling lollies and shaking coin buckets in the Club during the next six months, over £11K of the festival's total £50k donations came directly from our club network.

Ms Dynamite (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

A killer line up

We worked with Akala, Ms Dynamite, Panjabi MC, Natty & many of our artists too. We even had a kid's steel band welcoming people into the park. It was wonderful, and free for audiences to attend.

Part of our team on the day (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

The day finally comes

It was now time to rally the troops and bring all the people from right across the region together, for a show of strength.

Unity Festival love vibes (2015-05-23) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

Unity Festival 23rd May 2015

The sun blazed down and the Unity Festival gathered all the beautiful people, as one massive community. Around 8000 people, came together to publicly stand against racism in the city.

Stall at Unity Festival (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

Unions & charities

Supportive charities were also there, they brought stalls and we stood together. Union delegates gave some great speeches before the acts, which really kept our shared, anti-racist message at the core of the whole event.

Newcastle Unity Festival crowd goes off (2015) by NUFESTWorld Headquarters Club

People power

Unity Festival was one of the most stressful events we've ever been involved in yet was so worthwhile. People power at its absolute finest. After all the pressure and sleepless nights, to see Newcastle city rise together on this scale in such harmony was incredible.

Newcastle Unity Festival crowd (2015-05-23) by Lindsay NicholsonWorld Headquarters Club

A visual snapshot

The clip gives a great view of the scale of the main crowd when Ms Dynamite was on stage, with Danny and Tom from WHQ looking on.

The Unity Festival (2015-05-23) by Tom Caulker and Daniel KebedeWorld Headquarters Club

The Unity Festival movie

The Unity Festival remains the most sensational and politically significant outdoor party ever to take place in Newcastle, and the largest anti-racist event in its 2000 year history.

Akala & Daniel, NUFEST, 2015, From the collection of: World Headquarters Club
Site plan of Newcastle Unity Festival, NUFEST, 2015, From the collection of: World Headquarters Club
Newcastle Unity Festival crowd shot, NUFEST, 2015, From the collection of: World Headquarters Club
Newcastle Unity Festival early flyer, NUFEST, 2015, From the collection of: World Headquarters Club
Loius Zico & Jake Van de Velde, NUFEST, 2015, From the collection of: World Headquarters Club
View by the food stalls @ Newcastle Unity Festival, NUFEST, 2015, From the collection of: World Headquarters Club
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This Festival would not have been possible without our squad of volunteers who helped out on the day. Shaking donation buckets, stewarding, lugging fencing around, picking up litter etc. We love you all.

Credits: Story

The Newcastle Unity Festival 2015 Committee: Daniel Kebede, Tom Caulker, Dr. Gail Edwards, Nina Ritson, Simon Hall, Shumel Rhaman, Jake Vandervelde.

Special thanks also go out the headline artists who performed for mate's rates, all our stall holders & chums who helped out with kid's activities, the bar, dance tent & Soundsystems. Extra special thanks for the kind generosity of everyone who donated & attended, especially all our comrades in the Trade Union Movement - stronger together.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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