Virgin of the Rosary of Pomata

Some aspects of the indigenous world came together in the representations of the Virgin. Join us and get closer to the cultural mixes present in colonial art.

Virgin of the Rosary of Pomata (Siglo XVIII) by Unknown artistColonial Museum

This image, inspired by the advocation of the Virgin of the Rosary, is testimony to the cultural crossbreeding that occurred in the colonial era in the Andes area. It is believed that it was the Dominican order that introduced this iconography in the Peruvian town of Pomata.

This work is based on the sculpture that the Dominicans placed in the church of Santiago de Pomata and that was considered miraculous. In it the effigy is portrayed as it was venerated on its altar, dressed in fine dresses, and surrounded by red curtains and flower arrangements.

Although the painting follows the Western model to represent Mary, elements typical of the Andean indigenous world are seen in it, for example, the feather crowns that adorn the head of mother and child and that were common in the clothing of the inca nobility.

The triangular shape of Maria’s dress, adorned with pearls and bows, refers to the santos cage dolls and also evokes the mountains, symbols of Pachamama, an Andean divinity that embodies Mother Earth, protector of all beings.

At the feet of the Virgin are three cherubs represented as winged heads and a moon that, in addition to Christian symbolism, is a celestial body venerated by American indigenous groups, who associate it with the sacred feminine.

Credits: Story


Museum Director
María Constanza Toquica Clavijo

María Alejandra Malagón Quintero

Anamaría Torres Rodríguez
María Isabel Téllez Colmenares

Collection Management
Paula Ximena Guzmán López

Tanit Barragán Montilla

Jhonatan Chinchilla Pérez

Credits: All media
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