Humanity And Technology: An Open Conflict

Photo exhibition

Infinity room (2020-10/2020-10) by Sara Laia BravoTempio del Futuro *Perduto

The Internet becomes a real person, NET, and it has feelings and passions. Net meets us other human beings and merges with us. How do our habits change now that we are immersed in technology?

Long distance relationship (2020-10/2020-10) by Chiara PirasTempio del Futuro *Perduto

The exhibition c o n N E T c _ PROJECT is a thesis project by Susuwatari, a group of students (Stefano De Putti, Martina De Marinis, Isabella Zaiacometti, Francina Foresti e Guglielmo Sudati) of the school Mohole.

He loves me or he loves me not (2020-10/2020-10) by Francesca BomparolaTempio del Futuro *Perduto

The exhibition c o n N E T c _ PROJECT was curated by Stefano De Putti e Arte in schiscia (Sara Laia Bravo, Francesca Caianiello, Alice Briccola, collective that deals with art criticism and communication) with the support of Temple of the Future *Lost.

Come my skin (2020-10/2020-10) by Greta PozzoniTempio del Futuro *Perduto

After a call for artists, the group selected photographs and reflections of 100 artists. Here you can see a selection.

July 2066 (2020-10/2020-10) by Manuela FornaraTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"A strong storm. A flooded cellar. An old book from my grandmother.
A dedication of love: July 1966.
Will today's technologies be able to return these emotions in 40 years?"
M. Fornara

Lullaby (2020-10/2020-10) by Elena SoldaniTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"Technology can disrupt relationships between human beings and take control of them."
E. Soldani

Technology in the city (2020-10/2020-10) by Fausto BravoTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"We are surrounded by advertising posters, in everyday life we ​​are pushed to buy more and more technological and faster mobile phones. As well as being part of our collective imagination, technology has also become part of the city's aesthetic."
F. Bravo

Inescapable Fusion (2020-10/2020-10) by Ilenia BellèTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"Always and everywhere we are surrounded by technology. We feel mutilated without technology. This broadens our senses and now inevitably merges with our body."
I. Bellè

Connections in the global connection (2020-10/2020-10) by Stefano RovelliTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"Billions of neurons that make billions of synapses and exchange chemical-electrical information. A continuous dialogue to maintain life, to communicate with the outside world, to socialize. Connection, technology and information, inhibitory and excitatory, contribute to the formation of our thinking."
S. Rovelli

Onlife-If you are not paying for the product, you are the product (2020-10/2020-10) by Maria Elena VecchioTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"What we show on social in the long period will affect who we are both online and offline. Our experience offers technologies and immense new powers."
M. E. Vecchio

Norman F@**ing Dreamer! (2020-10/2020-10) by Noemi CilentiTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"I regretted having deleted old photographs and typed or pen letters, the ones that spoke of us, the ones that didn't need to be shown to the world. We delete everything with a simple "move to trash", and we do not restore anything. A bit like the relationships of this technological present, where what is broken is not repaired, but is thrown away and bought a new model, younger and perhaps with a glossy tone. An era in which we communicate from one room to another by sending voice or video... We live in the images of other people, we create a character for fear of being ourselves, but, as Hugh Hefner said, “Life is too short to live someone else's dream."
N. Cilenti

Let the dreams come out (2020-10/2020-10) by Paolo RossiTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"We live our lives inextricably linked to something technological, forgetting everything and everyone, and above all ourselves. The few emotions that remind us of being human alive are gradually becoming plastic."
P. Rossi

Elapsed time (2020-10/2020-10) by Paola MischiattiTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"You can gain credibility and fame quickly and virally, but an algorithm is enough to make you slide away."
P. Mischiatti

Isolation (2020-10/2020-10) by Ilaria CiprianiTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"We can interact with many people, travel to faraway places and have all the information we want at our fingertips. But what is happening around us? What happens in the world that is not virtual but real?"
I. Cipriani

Travel Bubbles (2020-10/2020-10) by Pietro Lo CastoTempio del Futuro *Perduto

"Asian countries are introducing the Travel Bubbles program. Tourists will be allowed to a single destination while they are constantly monitored through tracking apps. Is this what the future looks like?"
P. Lo Casto

Credits: Story

Thanks to all participants: Adelina Cingolini, Alberto Moni, Alessandro Pozzi, Alessio Vaccaro, Alexander Albanese, Alexandra Parsin, Andrea Cova, Andrea Madaro, Andrea Menichelli, Antonio Iadicicco, Barbara Ippedico, Camila Schuliaquer, Chiara Di Mauro, Chiara Piras, Christian Velcich, Claudia Piras, Claudia Salamone, Codi Albert, Cristiano Bartoli, Cristina Fiorito, Davide Fiorentino, Deborah Larocca, Denada Reshiti, Diego Druidi, Domenico Tangro, Elena Cavani & Cristina Cocco, Elena Soldani, Elisa Paolucci Giannettoni, Emanuele Dini, Fausto Bravo, Francesca Bomparola, Francesca Carugno, Francesca Giraudi, Francesca Meloni, Francesco Bondi, Francesco Ditria, Gaia Romano, Gianluca Tappatà, Gianna Carrano, Giovanni Dalla Gassa, Giulia Pasinato, Greta Pozzoni, Guido Giannone, Ida Di Pasquale, Ilaria Cipriani, Ilenia Bellè, Laura Salomoni, Lavinia Paolini, Leonardo Bucciantini, Leonardo R. Martiniano, Letizia Marraffino, Loretta Galli, Luca Rossi, Lucrezia Bastoni, Manuela Fornara, Marcello Michini, Marcello Pavone, Marco Guidi, Margherita Majer, Maria Elena Vecchio, Maria Luigia Silvano, Mariangela Tripaldi, Marina Gualandris, Marta Boriani, Marzio Toniolo, Maurizio Chieregato, Micaela Pedone, Michela Pastore, Michele Turolla, Michelle Durante, Mila Surguci, Nicola Luciani, Noemi Cilenti, Paola Mischiatti, Paolo Rossi, Pietro Bernocchi, Pietro Lo Casto, Rafael Jacinto, Renato Buzinaro, Rita di Giorgio, Roberta Presti, Roberto Ivaldi, Roberto Macagnino, Rosa Salvia, Salvatore Balice, Sara Laia Bravo, Sara Cinelli, Stefania Figliuzzi, Silvia Bracaglia, Silvia Campagna, Silvia Sanna, Simone Foglia, Stefania Berehoi, Stefania D’Alberto, Stefano Rovelli, Stefano Scapin, Vadim Grassi, Valentina Argìa Socievole, Veronica Liga, Vincenzo Scarantino

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.