The Frontlines

Step Into the Reality of Climate Change

By United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26

ActionAid International / Biosphere VR / Climate Crisis Film Festival

Women and young people in the Global South are already being hardest hit by the climate crisis. Extreme weather patterns - caused by rising global temperatures - are destroying lives and livelihoods, and displacing millions of people from their homes.

This Biosphere Virtual Reality exhibit transports audiences to the frontlines of the climate crisis through a series of immersive videos, showcasing underrepresented perspectives and the devastating reality of climate change.

Saving My Oasis (2020) by n/aUnited Nations Climate Change Conference COP26

The Frontlines

In this exhibition, step into the reality of climate change and be transported from the comfort of Glasgow to the places already being devastated by the effects of climate change: Kiribati, Morocco and Ethiopia.


Join Anote Tong, the former President of the Pacific island nation of Kiribati — the lowest-lying country on Earth and the most vulnerable to sea level rise. Walk with Anote on the beaches of his homeland and let him tell you about the fight of the people of Kiribati to save their country, culture and identity from disappearing into the ocean. 


Meet Halim Sbai, a Moroccan farmer whose ancestors once defended their M'Hamid El Ghizlane oasis against French colonial rulers. Now Halim sees himself playing a similar role — this time, fighting the elusive enemy of desertification


Join a group of coffee farmers in the coffee capital of the world, Ethiopia, as they struggle to keep the culture alive in the face of a changing climate. Recent global heating has made it more difficult to grow coffee plants, leading many farmers turn to growing the stimulant Khat instead. 

Every region of the world this year has been affected by climate disasters such as droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, flooding and hurricanes. But it is women and young people in the Global South who bear the brunt of failed harvests, water crises and deepening poverty.

We hope that giving audiences insights into their unique perspectives will deepen understanding and awareness about the urgent need for climate justice and real action to cut global emissions.

Credits: Story

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